This is a question related to the Forum type. In other forum types it´s possible to have a long URL replaced by a single word or a frase of your own choice.
..but to do it, you have to manually move the [ ] where it shall be and you have to know, that this is the way. In another forum, (I don´t remember where now) I have experienced, that you first enter the URL in a pop up box and after that it gives you the option to write the word that you want to have instead of the URL. It´s much easier to understand and you don´t have to remember anything about where to put these [ ] correctly.
For people who are used to this forum way of functioning, it isn´t a problem, but for those who don´t do it frequently, ít is hard to remember, if you know it at all.
Another thing i found, was a bug, I think. If you have given a thread a title and want to edit the title, it doesn´t let you do it. (only in the top inside the post. Not it the list of threads.
And by the way, I can see, some can make their titles in fat letters, but I can´t???
It does work in the quick reply box, you enter the URL, then the link is created but the link label is auto-highlited so you can type straight over it should you wish to alter it. That's probably a little unclear for the non-techies.
I'm confused. Why do you have to move the "[ ]"? I type something, highlight it, hit the "insert link" button at the top of the reply box, and paste my url in. No moving of anything. It makes the link like this. I don't have to do anything else....
Hm, well, text as I can understand now, you type the text before you enter the URL..I did it reversed..(wanted to enter the text after I entered the URL) so that explains the whole thing
But just shows that it can be a "problem" for those who are not used to it
Anyway, It was better and simplier now after knowing the correct way