I have serched this forum but found no solution that helps me 
The problem is that I can apply AA and anisotropic filtering specifically for Live For Speed in the nVidia Contyrol Panel but when entering the LFS game all lines are still ugly
I have tried reinstalling the GPU driver, change resoltion in game and monitor but nothing helps. On my old system with a ATI 850XT the AA works fine
My system is Asus MB P5K, E6850 processor, Inno3D 320MB GPU and 2GB of Corsair RAM
Any suggestions to solve my problem, please ??????

The problem is that I can apply AA and anisotropic filtering specifically for Live For Speed in the nVidia Contyrol Panel but when entering the LFS game all lines are still ugly

I have tried reinstalling the GPU driver, change resoltion in game and monitor but nothing helps. On my old system with a ATI 850XT the AA works fine

My system is Asus MB P5K, E6850 processor, Inno3D 320MB GPU and 2GB of Corsair RAM

Any suggestions to solve my problem, please ??????