The online racing simulator
#1 - JTbo
There is perfectly good LX servers, but where are LX'ers?
Thought that I have a race, but still there seem to be no LX'ers online even there is now at least two good servers hosting them, are you lurking or what?


Server: Volvolandia LX
Times: Wednesday 18:30GMT, Friday not regular event as lack of interest
Cars: LX4 & LX6

Volvolandia LX server is also running on public mode so you and your fellow racers can pick a date and time to race on and post here, idea is to run scheduled events starting from certain time and as long as there is interest for particular evening, friendly racing for lads after work day/week is basic idea.
Sorry - no LFS time today.
Actually I've been practising SO Long in the LX4 today, hoping to master it well enough to enter in danowat's event But I always pick an empty server for that. I gotta say, once you get to know the car it's actually fun to drive, although still hard. I would like to do some races in it, but I'm nowhere near good enough to really be able to race with most of you here, I think.
#4 - JTbo
Post some dates and times here when YOU prefer racing in LX
#5 - axus
One big trouble with the LXs is that people always set them up with HUUUUGE coast locking factors and pretty large preload which isn't necessarily good. Todd was recently kind enough to help me out with a setup for Aston North - I already had what I thought was a decent base, but I had massive turn-in and mid-corner understeer. The car just ploughed off the throttle. He took one look at the setup and went "coast locking factor at 70%?!"

In short, that was decreased to 10%, the front roll bar got stiffened a bit and the front suspension was raised and the rear stiffened. The rear tyre pressures were also dropped. Here are the results.
Attached files
LX4_New_AstonNorth2.set - 132 B - 1189 views
LX4_New_Blackwood.set - 132 B - 1270 views
LX4_New_BlackwoodR.set - 132 B - 1253 views
LX4_New_SOTownR2.set - 132 B - 1231 views
Thx for sharing those sets Axus I'll give them ago.
Yeah thanks, I'll give those a try later on as well! Also thanks for the general tips, I was having some problems with mid-corner understeer with the sets I've got.
#8 - JTbo
Thanks Axus, those might come handy

How would you like LX race every wednesday and friday for example? Suggest if you like some other dates and times, we might try to work out something that is not league but not quite pickup races either, some good racing with lads to fill evening, I would think that is what many would like to see?

Certainly we need to work out something to compete against city and cruise servers, race servers FTW
Uhm, it's difficult for me to really set specific times that I'm available for racing, but I would say generally every evening from 18:30 (GMT) to 20 (GMT) would suit me. So if you guys say every wednesday and friday evening or whatever somewhere between those times then yeah, I'll be able to join you most of the time.
#10 - Iron
Yeah, wednesday and friday sounds good to me, especially because of my work, this way I'd be able to make it to at least one of the evenings per week, except for one week out of 4 (my worktime is based on a 4 week period).
Friday's a bad choice for me - I'm usually either in the pub or babysitting nephews or whatever.
Well wednesdays and fridays were only just an example, any other days will probably suit me just as well Although I'd preferably keep the wednesday as thursday is my day off so I can stay up later.

Anywho, if we really want to do this it would probably be best if we really set a specific time and specific days, and preferably a specific server as well. I assume someone would just set up a personal server and post the name/ip in this thread, or does someone have the luxury of being able to set up a dedicated server? Or... I suppose we could just pick one of the plentiful empty server that have the LX available
#13 - JTbo
Quote from obsolum :Well wednesdays and fridays were only just an example, any other days will probably suit me just as well Although I'd preferably keep the wednesday as thursday is my day off so I can stay up later.

Anywho, if we really want to do this it would probably be best if we really set a specific time and specific days, and preferably a specific server as well. I assume someone would just set up a personal server and post the name/ip in this thread, or does someone have the luxury of being able to set up a dedicated server? Or... I suppose we could just pick one of the plentiful empty server that have the LX available

I have dedicated server, Volvolandia, pw is lxfun for lxevents which it is set most of time

It is bit open what times those who use LX will prefer, so that is part of reason I try to ask them here
Quote from axus :Here are the results.

Nice setups. I have always hated how people setup cars way too understeery and when I try to fiddle around with them I always end up with a twitchy car. But those setups feel real good, no understeer at all, but still quite stable.
perhaps remove the pw from the server.
usually even without password nobody is joining a lx-server.
but if we limitate the people to those who know this thread, the server will never be filled.
#16 - JTbo
Quote from MrSkill :perhaps remove the pw from the server.
usually even without password nobody is joining a lx-server.
but if we limitate the people to those who know this thread, the server will never be filled.

Intention is to create events to be certain time and certain date at a week, only for certain people that are forum actives and enjoy from good racing. Sorry if it sounds bit elitist, but there is already at least one LX server without password, so plan is to create something that perhaps would be more than few races at random times
Yeah, this sounds good JT, maybe between 8pm and 10pm (GMT) Wed's and Fridays ?

I'm rarely on LFS these days, but a regular good natured blast in the LX's will be enough to tear me away from my beloved flightsims
I would be up for something like that, but I doubt we get more than 10 people at the same time in a lx6.
Quote from MrSkill :I would be up for something like that, but I doubt we get more than 10 people at the same time in a lx6.

That's plenty though.
Quote from JTbo :Intention is to create events to be certain time and certain date at a week, only for certain people that are forum actives and enjoy from good racing. Sorry if it sounds bit elitist, but there is already at least one LX server without password, so plan is to create something that perhaps would be more than few races at random times

Well why not just put a password on the server at those times, and remove it afterwards? What are the possible scenarios that could happen if you remove the password?

1) The server is empty. Someone looking for an LX server joins to practise a bit or just to have some fun. No problem because there's no one else on. Perhaps more people will join once there's someone on the server and they may start racing together. Again, no problem.

2) A bunch of us are on the server racing. Someone sees an LX server with quite a few people on it and goes "Hey, a populated LX server!!". He joins the server and starts racing with us and has a good time. We maybe tell him about the set days that we're on the server and he becomes a regular. Or not. His choice.

3) A bunch of us are on the server racing. Someone sees an LX server with quite a few people on it and goes "Hey, a populated LX server. I'll go wreck them!!". He joins, starts wrecking, gets kicked/banned. Problem solved.

For now I don't really see a reason to leave the password on, except if you're really running a serious league/event. Which will probably not be happening anytime soon. If we want to try and make the LX more popular we should leave the server accessible to anyone willing to give it a serious try. There are tons of serious racers out there that never read the forum.

I'll look for your server later on and add it to my favorites in BFS. I'll try those setups axus posted, too.
#21 - JTbo
Quote from Quint999 :I had a look last night and the only servers allowing LX4 ( including empty ) were Cruise/Drift servers and a few all car servers

The only LX servers as such were LX6/FZ5/RAC

I'd like to try the LX and start playing LFS a bit more again , but the 6 is too much for my middling to poor skills. I dont want to practice with the sprogs on Cruise and drift servers.

Maybe if there was a few more true LX servers , ie LX4 and LX6 you'd get a few more ppl trying out the LX4 and eventually graduating to LX6

We did race last night with LX4 cars on server that certainly was there, must been turned off from some reason
Server was [
TEAMSPORT-ONLINE] RACE it says Race on white there, that server has been there at several evenings hosting LX4 and LX6 only.

I do think setting no password will result problems as many are trying LX without knowing how to drive and as there is chances nobody is watching at the moment they can not be directed to easy setups and how to drive them, possibly causing lot of discomfort to more experienced racers and probably ending up to not finding what is so great about these cars. With password set we do have thread and forum where we can at least discuss these things, hand a helpful setup and generally new racer is better prepared when entering to track.

However I'm willing to experiment things so next week server is without password (changing soon), report how it goes

#22 - Iron
Quote from obsolum :...He joins, starts wrecking, gets kicked/banned. Problem solved...

It's not that easy. First, it's not advisable to admin from the seats of a car, so the admin have to leave the race, check the replay/go spectating, do what he/she deserves, then wait for the next to race to start to race again. Second, .... there's no second.

I'd just like to see a bit more controlled environment than a public server. There was a team server which had the LRF class set up a few months ago, and every evening (for about a week) there were team members racing on it. I visited it every night, and the first nights I had really good and fair races. As the days passed more and more LX lover people started to show up on the server, and there was a limit where one evening suddenly every kind of people started to join, keyboard drivers, a driver with a broken steering wheel (yes, he admitted that his wheel didn't function properly, and no, admins didn't kicked/banned him). It went out of control.

Sure though, we can try public, and we can still go back to passworded if things turn out like that, or do something about it.
#23 - JTbo
And those willing to spend their time can show interest via PM and I make them (well, not just anyone passes, I have very weird demands from admin) admins to keep server clean, with LX it is probably so that there is not lot problems to be excepted as it is real mans car, wreckers are probably boys, however even one race spoiler is too much, imo.
So far I've only seen someone on the server once (and I check it quite regularly as it's in my favorites) so I don't think recruiting extra admins will be necessary just yet
#25 - JTbo
Quote from obsolum :So far I've only seen someone on the server once (and I check it quite regularly as it's in my favorites) so I don't think recruiting extra admins will be necessary just yet

You did missed then last sunday, there was Glenn AND me, that makes TWO but I did not raced

I would think that it gets bit more busy when we get times figured out.