The online racing simulator
Funny DFP mod.
(25 posts, started )
#1 - Mako.
DFP mod.
Ok, so I was drifting the XRG around Blackwood reverse to brush up on my skills a little, and remembered how I read an article that said something about putting a stipe on the top of the wheel, to help you see when it's pointing straight... the more laps I did, the morethought that this is a realy good idea... and then I noticed the sparco model wheel I put in the dds foler uses a yellow stripe too! (I wasnt looking at the in game wheel and it was faint on my screen)

So, I was like, ok I'm so doing this... but then remembered i dont have any yellow tape... bummer. 5 min later I thought of this:

I found some other tape, cut a thin strip of paper, and slapped it on there... works just as well.

PS: I found this mod to be very helpful when driving. I noticed some of the older momos had this, and it works!

not exactly funny though, is it?
Erm... a piece of tape...
#4 - Jakg
And the point is...?

My Momo had it and it was utterly pointless, tbh
#5 - Ian.H
Please.. nurse... someone help! my sides are splitting!.. no, really. There again, the opening statement "Ok, so I was drifting......." says it all.

I'm really glad this thread was created, I'll sleep so much better now knowing that if I add a stupid bit of electrical tape to my DFP, I'll become an instant comedian....... move over Lee Evans!


#6 - JTbo
Why IRL rally cars do have it?
:bananadea ..... :banghead:
#8 - Jakg
Because usually they turn the wheel so much that they take their hands of the wheel and "loose track" of where the centre is - in circuit racing you aren't doing anywhere near as much movement at so much speed and therefore you don't need something to distract you
#9 - JTbo
Quote from Jakg :Because usually they turn the wheel so much that they take their hands of the wheel and "loose track" of where the centre is - in circuit racing you aren't doing anywhere near as much movement at so much speed and therefore you don't need something to distract you

We do have gravel enviroment, rally cars have steering lock 450-540 range typically depending bit from type of course, if we have 720 there sure is going to be somewhat lot of movement on rally cross
One word from me.

It wasn't meant to be hilarious... I just thought that, this is ghetto as hell, therfore amusing. Geez, some people just take life too seriously... the point of this thread was NOT the sole fact that I think somethng is funny...
Whats with the title then?

'Funny DFP Mod'

I read this thread to expect to be laughing so much it hurt. :l
Quote from Ian.H :Please.. nurse... someone help! my sides are splitting!.. no, really. There again, the opening statement "Ok, so I was drifting......." says it all.

You're a fuc*$%/ dumb%$" you know

Oh wait, I forgot you are biaised to racing and can't hear of anything else....

Grow and live with the fact that not everyone likes racing .....................
Funny peculiar, rather than funny haha.

I have a stripe like that on my wheel too, and I do find it helps.
come on dudes, i think you're kinda rude with him.. just take it easy and if you dont laugh that's not a problem i guess...

Quote from Ian.H :Awww.. how cute



youre not even funny now Ian, you were funny before ( I mean I had a good laugh at you while reading your posts before)
now It's just pathetic, only thing you can say is "drifting sucks, drifters are wankers", I feel sorry for you... just like a dog that barks because it can only bark...
Quote from squidhead :youre not even funny now Ian, you were funny before ( I mean I had a good laugh at you while reading your posts before)
now It's just pathetic, only thing you can say is "drifting sucks, drifters are wankers", I feel sorry for you... just like a dog that barks because it can only bark...

Totally agree, just look at his sig- "Dumb Retarded Idiots Forgoing Talent

Only the good die young; so why not be a bastard."

Ian, don't go trolling around forums every time you see the word "drift", just like what Tristian does when he sees the word "oval". Both of you are good people in a way, but the trolling has to stop.
I guess I'm "special" because I happen to be able to enjoy BOTH drifting AND racing the same amount? I drive grip, race-drift, and "touge monster" style. I also happen to love the LX cars since before the June thing, and finaly found how to drive the RAC and enjoy the thing.

I might not be a good lfs racer yet, but damnit I'm trying.
#21 - wark
"+1 Ian" (maybe I should make that my sig). btw, how is it possible to not know what direction your wheels are pointed unless the car is at a complete standstill or the wheels are locked anyway? You have a steering wheel... you just turned it... in fact, FF is trying to re-center it. And, well, if you honestly still don't know, you should know how the car's moving and what steering inputs should be executed for whatever your desired outcome.

Besides, there's a steering position indicator already built into LFS for mouse users with the wheel turned off using the cockpit view or chase cam or something... or you?
Quote from Jakg :Because usually they turn the wheel so much that they take their hands of the wheel and "loose track" of where the centre is - in circuit racing you aren't doing anywhere near as much movement at so much speed and therefore you don't need something to distract you

Its actuay used to know how much your car is oversteering or understeering. Racers put the tape on their wheel, drive one lap slowly. Then, the next lap they drive fast, and because the wheels doesn't have as much grip when driving fast, the position of the tape would have moved.
This way they know how to adjust the car further.

Atleast thats what I read sometime.
meh. wah wee wah
What I found funny, is that he was drifting an XRG. The weaker, non-turbo version of it. :P
#25 - thd
Quote from Mako. :I just thought that, this is ghetto as hell, therfore amusing.

Yes. Living in a bad part of the city with people of your own ethnicity and/or religion invariably leads to taping of computer steering wheels.

How amusing. Ha ha!

Funny DFP mod.
(25 posts, started )