This situation started me thinking:
I was in a race a few days ago and for some reason found myself crashed and out, spectating the other racers including the racer who had IMO caused my crash, unable to file a report because of the last race ended way it is atm, then the racer in question disconnected from the server, and I hadn't checked his username , I started to file a $rep whilst I was still spectating, and in the end decided to wait a race or 2 to make sure I get the correct replay.
anyway the report never got filed, and the player forgotten.
however my question would have to be; what if the system had a button available to allow players to flag a race replay (the race thats ongoing), and then the system will e-mail the link to that replay after the race has ended? then the user could enter the ctra my page and continue to file the report with all the info available,
It could be an easyer way for players to use the $rep function and still force them to submit @myctra, its just a thought, I might add it to the 1.4 suggestions thread tommorow,
The servers are 95% of the time clean and fair but sometimes theres just some madness
sry for the grammer and spellings its late