The online racing simulator
Race 07 MP Demo Relased
(117 posts, started )
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Force feedback is really nice, i wish LFS had same force feedback, like when car is standing and neutral, you can feel little shaking etc. Why LFS doesen't have that?

Because the wheels already busy, mindlessly swaying from left to right, right to left, left to right, right to left, left to right, right to left, left to right, for no apparent reason other than it's reacting to the wind outside.
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Force feedback is really nice, i wish LFS had same force feedback, like when car is standing and neutral, you can feel little shaking etc. Why LFS doesen't have that?

When I race I do my best not to stay still in neutral. How cruise clowns feel about that I do not know.

Wasn't there a mechanical reason why there's no hard-coded vibration effect in current FFB design? Did it burn out the motors fast or something?
Quote from spankmeyer :
Wasn't there a mechanical reason why there's no hard-coded vibration effect in current FFB design? Did it burn out the motors fast or something?

No it's just completely unrealistic and silly, about as useful as the guy that was trying to sell his awesome USB vibrating chair so you could 'feel' the bumps :doh:
Quote from spankmeyer :Wasn't there a mechanical reason why there's no hard-coded vibration effect in current FFB design? Did it burn out the motors fast or something?

The reason is that even though you feel a vibration through the wheel in a real car, it is not a quick left-right vibration (or the hilariously crap representation of that in ISI games), but the whole wheel would have to physically move/vibrate to give an accurate effect. However no FFB wheel in production can generate such effects, thus LFS leaves them out completely rather than fudging them via a quick left-right oscillation (which affects your actual steering input, mind you).
#80 - JTbo
Quote from AndroidXP :The reason is that even though you feel a vibration through the wheel in a real car, it is not a quick left-right vibration (or the hilariously crap representation of that in ISI games), but the whole wheel would have to physically move/vibrate to give an accurate effect. However no FFB wheel in production can generate such effects, thus LFS leaves them out completely rather than fudging them via a quick left-right oscillation (which affects your actual steering input, mind you).

This could be solved with putting something similar to wheel's body that there is inside of those massage wands so that it would realistically vibrate, now some clever guy should come up with logic to control rpm of thing and get rpm from outsim or something to logic, make it easy to attach to your wheel and look pretty and there we would have product for LFS players and perhaps for some other sims to create vibration effects to wheel that are not pulling wheel.
Im downloading it atm and im getting between 200-220 kb/sec and I have 6% done with 38 min to go

Looks like an awesome game, but you knwo how the game dev's alwyas trys to spiff up the screenies to make it look hardcore.....

And im glad LFS dev's didnt do it to the game screenies.
my neighbours have realy fast internet connection, and as we have their key... i bought the cable over, and connnected it to the modem

download speeds of 150-200, it started of at 350, but keeps dropping, then sometimes going up
just download it on their PC and burn it? Just bringing the cable over to your house doesnt really make it any faster....
Quote from scoobyrbac :just download it on their PC and burn it? Just bringing the cable over to your house doesnt really make it any faster....

i said i went over to their house...and you call me stupid?
Quote from harjun :and you call me stupid?

No he didn't. Pehaps that was just your subconscious talking.

Edit: tag
#86 - axus
Quote from harjun :i said i went over to their house...and you call me stupid?

I re-read his post 4 or 5 times. I didn't find the word "stupid" or any other insult in there. Are you insecure about your intelligence level?
#88 - Jakg
Quote from harjun :my neighbours have realy fast internet connection, and as we have their key... i bought the cable over, and connnected it to the modem

No offence, but my internet isn't amazing (6.5 mbit line - No 20 mbit cable round here ) and from a decent server i usually pull 600 kb/s up to 1000 KB/s (happened once when my modem was sinking at 8 mbit), the server is by far the limiting factor.

i just downloaded it, but theres only something called steam. What do i do after that?
Oh jees..........
Quote from harjun :i just downloaded it, but theres only something called steam. What do i do after that?


But anyways, I installed it played for a bit, then took it back out, to laggy for me, i guess I need more than 512 MB of ram =\
I downloaded it today and mucked around for a bit. Later on I was cleaning up my hard drive, and I thought 'why not?' - and it went

I don't like the idea of having Steam just to play a game. If I had more Steam games, it would be ok, but I don't have any. So it's useless.
Bah, I'm disappointed. I liked GTR and GTL well enough back in the day, but this actually is really poor. It has horrifically bad performance, laughably bad physics, and really crap graphics. I go into these games with an open mind, I had outrageous fun playing GTL when it came out, but this is really very poor and disappointing.

It makes me remember why I love LFS so much.
Funny how opinions can be so totally different.

I get stellar performance (apart from an odd big funny triangles issue when there is some lag online) on my 4 year old system, and I think the physics are pretty decent.

I played last night online for a bit, and apart from the "competition" being totally rubbish, had a bloody blast.

Sure, LFS will remain my "key" sim for now, but I do find RACE 07 a HELL of a lot of fun to play.
I agree Dan it's actually pretty good fun.

Graphics look great actually with everything on full, performance is fine, no issues there.

Whoever had the bright idea of the helmet view should be shot.

The collision physics seem to be a joke, not sure if that's final :/

Otherwise a pretty good, fun game to play, kept me busy last evening at least
I got very strange performance, like I've tended to with all the other ISI games I've played. Started off on medium settings, fantastic frame rate and very smooth, about 15 AI cars... but quite frequently a bad stutter would ruin the flow... I couldn't work out why this stuttering was happening. Replay mode was even worse, very bad stuttering. I quit out to the main menu and a message recommended I turn the gfx options up to high- which it did for me automatically with my permission (a nice touch) - again, mostly very smooth performance, but some bad stuttering again as well. I didn't try out low settings.

LFS has very consistent and smooth frame rate (esp with the latest ATI Catalyst drivers). This new Race game is better performing for me than the old one, but still has problems. The older game had stuttering even on lowest settings. That's not good enough.

Also, I'm pretty sure they're still using the same track textures as in previous games- not that it's that important but I still like to think that a new game should come with new graphics. This latest version just feels like a very minor mod of the old Race.
#97 - Don
quite simply - i HATE this game.

First of all, 500mb for a demo? ok, nothing new really.

Then the installation - WTF? i have to register at steam and install that to play the demo of this game? The installation process took 10 (!) minutes! And i was either blind but i didnt see any option to choose where i want to install the game.

Then the actual game - it wouldnt let me set my gear changes to the gearstick of my DFP - i could either assign gear up or gear down, but not both at the same time, so i had to stick with paddles.

The physics...not much to be said - i just dont feel the car.

I also dont like the cockpit view, its so strange and feels very un-natural. The view out from the car is very small. Oh, and that "in-helmet" view is stupid though, why is it only in the formula car and not in the wttc cars?

Because I dont know anything about Steam or how it works, It was the first thing that i uninstalled and then I uninstalled the RACE07 demo - but i am still missing 1GB I had before the installation. GOOD WORK, SIMBIN!

this game(s) just remind me why i like lfs.
Well, i had already steam installed, so no issues with steam here, 500mb for a demo, it is nothing special. What you guys want then? 100mb demo?

Also with DFP i had no problem with DFP gear stick thingy whatsoever, so again your fault.
Physics: Just decent, no problem.

Anyways these my opinions, full graphics maximum AI etc. runs good. Dont compare it to LFS like: oh look LFS has constant framerate, and this doesent.
Those two games has different graphics, offcourse there is different framerate.
LFS is very good simulator, no doubt about that and kudos to Scavier.

Just my 400 cents.
I had to give it another go...

Eleanor SpeedGT, you're comment about LFS and Race being two different games is valid. But they're still racing sims, and frame rate is very important. I actually sorted the stuttering problem a bit by turning AA-AF off under the graphics driver control panel, and letting the game take care of those options. Much better, but now I can only run on medium settings. High and Max show garbled graphics- which is weird because atleast High worked before. ? Dunno.

Anyway I'm still pretty disappointed. Mostly with the tyre physics, which feel very 'muddy'. LFS gives a much better idea which angle your tyres are at, with RACE I can't really feel much difference around 30/40 degrees or so. Not sure if this is realistic or not- but I quickly decided I like LFS better anyway, (but maybe that's because I'm used to it).

The sounds are very underwhelming.

I still want to keep an open mind. I actually enjoyed that it was different from LFS, because I'm a little bored with LFS right now. But it's very same-ish when put alongside the other ISI games. I just don't know how they can keep churning out the same stuff all the time. ?

I think GTR2 has been the best of this 'bunch' for me.
Quote from Forbin :First time I tried it, I got that same old feeling I got with GTR2: massive understeer. Okay, I thought, I'll still give it a shot, let me see what I can do with the setup. Added a bit more oversteer bias and tried again. Still massive understeer. Okay, more oversteer bias. Again, still massive understeer until, whoops, suddenly I'm sideways and there's nothing I can do about it. Delete.

Good riddance, ISI engine. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Forbin hit the nail on the head, you can't turn the wheel 5° without going into understeer mode (which means no FFB at all with those canned effects) until you're suddenly sliding and there is nothing you can do to catch it again...

Race 07 MP Demo Relased
(117 posts, started )