Losing connection on all servers
Every time I connect to a server, I lose connections before I could even finish one lap. I know it can't be my internet connection because I could reconnect almost instantly and it was fine before. There have been no changes to my computer that could possibly cause this. I searched and tried some of the solutions, but none of them helped. I know I'm not timing out.
Any ideas?
Bump. Anyone?
No one could help?
Router problems, Anything else using internet?
You better complain to your internet provider. I have it also at times. Seems at the most busiest times. Must be a capacity problem at their end.
#6 - Woz
1) You isp might have started implementing traffic shaping on games data.
2) If you use wireless at long range it backs off to slow speed so you might flooding it or drop the connection for a few seconds etc.
3) Busy time of day.
4) Router/Firewall gettting overloaded by the traffic.

BTW: What OS/Hardware etc
I think it just might be my wireless as I moved it about to make room for my wheel. I'll see what I can do. Thanks to all for the help.