The online racing simulator
#1 - Xior
InSim server like TC
Hello, i want a InSim server like the TC server, does anybody know who created that scripts, and sell them?

Gr, Xior
Even i know how much work it is.
You don't just ''make'' them.
Im searching someone as well
i dont think the [TC] guys will "sell" you THIER code tht they put alot of tiem and effort intu it and its still bein worked on.
#4 - Xior
Quote from mongoosetierney :i dont think the [TC] guys will "sell" you THIER code tht they put alot of tiem and effort intu it and its still bein worked on.

Ah ke, but at the top of the playerlist stands most of the time: "Host", how can you change that, also with a "script"?
#5 - Xior
Oke, does anybody know how i can make a script like a welcome message in de message box, and how i can change the name: "Host" on the playlist?
did you at least try to read the files in lfs/docs?

and as far as I know, you can't change the name "host"
#7 - Jakg
You CAN change the host name (ie CTRA servers) but i'm not sure how.
The name of the host in the connection list can be changed by defining a player name for the actual host.
Edit the cfg.txt, search for Ply Name and add whatever u like.
you have to edit the CFG.txt (i think thats the file name now), and edit the line "ply name host" to "ply name willy"