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McLaren [could be] Excluded from 2007 & 2008 F1 Championships
Hot off the press. ... from-f1-in-2007-and-2008/

Edit: Calm down girls, autosport cocked up and the content in this link has changed since I posted it. It DID say that they had been excluded.

Edit 2: The punishment for McLaren is that they will lose all of their 2007 constructors' championship points, but Hamilton and Alonso will remain unaffected in the drivers' championship. McLaren have also been given a $100m fine.
#3 - Jakg

Need.. More... INFO!
was briefly on autosport, too. then the article was pulled and the site crashed.

But I hope it will be soon.

Quote from deggis :IT'S NOT (YET?) OFFICIAL

But I hope it will be soon.

Could you add some colour next time? It's a little hard to read.
If true, this is going to alienate a ton of F1 fans.

Seems like Indy '06 all over again.

If they are "excluded," what does that mean, exactly? Can they race but not earn points? Is it just constructor points or driver points?
Quote from joshdifabio :Could you add some colour next time? It's a little hard to read.

My point wasn't to piss off anybody, just useful note because it really isn't official yet.
If true then this is going to make F1 as boring as it used to be a few years ago.... Total Ferrari domination.
Quote :Clarification: WMSC yet to decide on verdict

By Steve Cooper Thursday, September 13th 2007, 15:09 GMT

The World Motor Sport Council has yet to agree on a final verdict, despite our earlier newsflash suggesting otherwise.

Sources have told one of the options currently reviewed is to exclude McLaren from both the 2007 and 2008 championship - in line with the World Motor Sport Council's decision in July.

However the FIA said no decision has yet been made, although a verdict is expected imminently.

Looks like autosport f---ed up.
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
From autosport

The World Motor Sport Council has yet to agree on a final verdict, despite our earlier newsflash suggesting otherwise.

Sources have told one of the options currently reviewed is to exclude McLaren from both the 2007 and 2008 championship - in line with the World Motor Sport Council's decision in July.

However the FIA said no decision has yet been made, although a verdict is expected imminently.
Quote from DeadWolfBones :Looks like autosport f---ed up.

Oooo. I don't think it will happen in that case, it seems too severe for the FIA.
Quote from Kalev EST :If true then this is going to make F1 as boring as it used to be a few years ago.... Total Ferrari domination.

It won't change the drivers' championship and the racing action though - how much ever meager the latter currently is.
They best not exclude them from the championship, Just because they installed a new gear box doesn't mean they used ferrari docs, Mclaren have just made a better car then ferrari so ferrari doesn't like it. Mcleran knew they was/are being spyed on to make sure they don't use any ferrari documents so do you think mcleran are silly enough to build a gear box using ferrari data, I dont think so at all. I have supported ferrari in the past when schuy was with them and they didn't really throw their toys out of the pram then. I started supporting mcleran last year though as I had a feeling that this year they would give ferrari a run for their money, and they have done, Espacially with LH who I am a massive fan of, I also think that ferrari are also critising mcleran because they have a rookie leading the championship and ferrari doesnt like it.

#15 - FL!P
According to, there's another spying affair emerging, that involves Renault. They'd be using "unauthorised intellectual property" belonging to McLaren on the R27.
Quote from xaotik :It won't change the drivers' championship and the racing action though - how much ever meager the latter currently is.

Uhm.... What does this "exclude" mean in this case? If it means that the whole team is banned from F1, meaning they can´t enter in races, then I stand by my point that F1 will get boring and Ferrari will dominate both in constructers and drivers championship. If it just means McLaren can race but can´t get any constructors points then I couldn´t care less tbh.
(Although if McLaren doesn´t get points = less money to spend on developing the car = Ferrari dominates.)
Quote from FL!P :They'd be using "unauthorised intellectual property" belonging to McLaren on the R27.

Seems like F1 teams need Microsoft to also design for them a DRM solution apart from the ECU software.
Quote from FL!P :According to, there's another spying affair emerging, that involves Renault. They'd be using "unauthorised intellectual property" belonging to McLaren on the R27.

If this is the same alligation I think you are talking about what I seen on the itv f1 site the other day, is this the one what mcleran made against renault

Also look on the front page of the itv f1 site, many people think that nothing will happen to mcleran, I hope them and I voted right.

Quote from sam93 :They best not exclude them from the championship, Just because they installed a new gear box doesn't mean they used ferrari docs, Mclaren have just made a better car then ferrari so ferrari doesn't like it. Mcleran knew they was/are being spyed on to make sure they don't use any ferrari documents so do you think mcleran are silly enough to build a gear box using ferrari data, I dont think so at all. I have supported ferrari in the past when schuy was with them and they didn't really throw their toys out of the pram then. I started supporting mcleran last year though as I had a feeling that this year they would give ferrari a run for their money, and they have done, Espacially with LH who I am a massive fan of, I also think that ferrari are also critising mcleran because they have a rookie leading the championship and ferrari doesnt like it.Sam.

The evidence might be proof that McLaren did, to use your example, use Ferrari docs in their new gearbox. Without knowing exactly what the evidence is, you can't say either way.

The scandal is more about what was used BEFORE the allegations came to light. It probably has nothing to do with McLaren's new 'box.

You support the winning team? Isn't that shallow and glory-hunting? You also support the leading driver? For the same reasons? Would you support him if he was in a Spyker? No, I thought not.
Quote from Kalev EST :Uhm.... What does this "exclude" mean in this case?

No points. And as for development, it's going to be "frozen" for 2007 and 2008 afaik, that's the reason they might be "excluded" from 2008 as well - since they'll unavoidably be using "stolen" tech.
McLaren (Ron Dennis) are dirty as hell. Bruce McLaren wouldn't want his name on this kind of stuff. Ferrari i never liked before, but now I am on their side. I don't care who wins the championship if Ferrari can take the Constructors title, for some reason, i believe they deserve it more, as for the Drivers Title, make your own mind up, its a 4 way race still..
If anyone has happened to read FIA rules book, please explain what "excluding" or "banning" means. I think that makes absolutely no sense to let them race but get no points. It doesn't feel like real punishment.
Quote from tristancliffe :The evidence might be proof that McLaren did, to use your example, use Ferrari docs in their new gearbox. Without knowing exactly what the evidence is, you can't say either way.

The scandal is more about what was used BEFORE the allegations came to light. It probably has nothing to do with McLaren's new 'box.

You support the winning team? Isn't that shallow and glory-hunting? You also support the leading driver? For the same reasons? Would you support him if he was in a Spyker? No, I thought not.

No actually I support/fan Hamilton because he is a very good racing driver, not because he is leading the world championship I will support him until he retires from F1, its like saying when shuey was racing people only supported him because he was leading the world championship 7 times, no people was a fan of him because he was a good racing driver.

So I am a hamilton fan because he is a good racing driver and its what we needed in F1 and good british racing driver and its not because he is british that i am a fan either.

If he ever moves team which he proberly may do within a couple of years I will still support him then.
Quote from deggis :It doesn't feel like real punishment.

Yeah, ever since they abolished public flogging it's been a downhill for keeping f1 racing teams in line.
Quote from deggis :If anyone has happened to read FIA rules book, please explain what "excluding" or "banning" means. I think that makes absolutely no sense to let them race but get no points. It doesn't feel like real punishment.

Team´s get money at the end of the year according to the position in the constructors championship.

If you take mclaren points, you are punishing them with $80 million more or less..... i mean, that hurts