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Interesting new 9/11 conspiracy video released re: Tower 7
I only had to watch 10 seconds of that. What was the rest of it for...with the song
I`ll bet 10 bucks that this topic will end up in a big flamewar.
I havent been following this topic much in the last few years, but what i have heard is that it is the US government doing alot of this. Don't flame me if i'm wrong
Quote from niall09 :I havent been following this topic much in the last few years, but what i have heard is that it is the US government doing alot of this. Don't flame me if i'm wrong

Show me ONE piece of evidence that Rick Astley had any form of federal funding, (other than the fact that the only black in the video clip is a bartender that is)!
That guy is the best. He's so skeptical of this white guy at first, but in the end he has to give in to the power of the groove.
The single frame at the halfway point is killing me.
Well, I can't blame him - all these white folks wiggling around with automaton dance moves and there he is, doomed by The Man to wear suspenders and spit-shine a bar-top. Good show of inter-racial social abilities as Rick smiles at him for doing his over-the-bar somersault.
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
Quote from DeadWolfBones :

this is not funny at all illepall

Edit: added quote and yes i blame the ones who make it and also those who spread it.
Quote from 510N3D :this is not funny at all illepall

Don't blame me, blame these people who make these childish conspriracy theories. That's a disgrace towards those who died.
Actually, blame the trend.
Yeah, it's pretty terrible (as is most everything that comes from 4chan), but I thought this one was well-executed.
Quote from deggis :...That's a disgrace towards those who died.

Do you not think it's a disgrace towards those who died and to those who were left behind, that the full truth about 9/11 still isn't out? The Commission report doesn't even mention WTC7 in it, what's that all about... I just found this video, it's self explanatory really. What do you lads make of this? Is he lieing?

Have you read or heard about the Project for a New American Century? Well in the it says something similar to this, there will have to be an event similar to Pearl Harbor for a revolutionary change. It also says that the middle east will have to be controlled for the oil, starting with the invasion of Afghanistan, then Iraq, then Iran and then Syria. They, the people who wrote this P.N.A.C. document, needed an event like 9/11 to happen to justify an invasion of the middle eastern countries.

One more thing I'd just like to put out there. Has anyone heard of this "exercise" planned for October? Vigilant Shield.... More... The only reason I'm putting this out there is because on 9/11 and on 7/7 there were "exercises" and war games going on at exactly the same time, so these lads planning a 5 day martial law "exercise" is something to look out for...
#15 - Jakg
You didn't watch the video, did you?

Quote from U4IK ST8 :I just found this video, it's self explanatory really. What do you lads make of this? Is he lieing?

Oh look - it's Alex Jones. I was wondering when he was going to show up.
Quote from xaotik :Oh look - it's Alex Jones. I was wondering when he was going to show up.

Well Alex has his views I know but I wasn't talking about him, the other chap talks about hearing a count down on another mans radio just before WTC7 collapsed/imploded...
I find it interesting that exactly 3 buildings in the whole world since skyscrapers are builded collepsed because of a fire/impact.

WTC 7 (which even did not got hit by impact)

That sure is interesting.
There is one thing I have a problem with in regards to these conspiracy theories. Even if George Bush planned 9/11, can't you people at least have some respect for the people in the building who died?
Quote from wheel4hummer :There is one thing I have a problem with in regards to these conspiracy theories. Even if George Bush planned 9/11, can't you people at least have some respect for the people in the building who died?

I think George Bush is just a puppet, a face for the public to point the finger at. I think he knew something was going to happen but wasn't given the full details.

And about having respect for the people who died in the building. Don't you think it would be better for everyone if there was an independent investigation into what happened? Not having one with people who are appointed by the government. They left out WTC7 in their report, doesn't that seem strange? And even the NIST report on WTC7 says something like, even our best hypothesis has a low probability of occurring.
Quote from U4IK ST8 :They left out WTC7 in their report, doesn't that seem strange?

Ultimate conspiracy theory:
FEMA analyst #1: "Hey, let's leave something out so the conspiracy theorists can waste time looking at what's not there and thousands of websites with videos of the devil's face in the smoke of the WTC can pop up all over the place!"
FEMA analyst #2: "O co-worker what a sinister plan thou hast hatched! And as they are looking for what is not there we can do even more sinister planning!"
Quote from xaotik :Ultimate conspiracy theory:
FEMA analyst #1: "Hey, let's leave something out so the conspiracy theorists can waste time looking at what's not there and thousands of websites with videos of the devil's face in the smoke of the WTC can pop up all over the place!"
FEMA analyst #2: "O co-worker what a sinister plan thou hast hatched! And as they are looking for what is not there we can do even more sinister planning!"

Sure there's a lot of stupid websites about this subject but as Nietzsche said "The most perfidious way of harming a cause consists of defending it deliberately with faulty arguments."
Quote from xaotik :Ultimate conspiracy theory:
FEMA analyst #1: "Hey, let's leave something out so the conspiracy theorists can waste time looking at what's not there and thousands of websites with videos of the devil's face in the smoke of the WTC can pop up all over the place!"
FEMA analyst #2: "O co-worker what a sinister plan thou hast hatched! And as they are looking for what is not there we can do even more sinister planning!"

Funny... Are you seriously saying that it was deliberately left out? Nice...

Why bring silly stuff like the devils face into this? There's no need for that. It's a serious topic and you should be able, I'm sure, to separate the crazy theories from the serious ones. Btw, what you believe is also a "conspiracy theory" because there are no hard FACTS about what happened on that day and everything is questionable.