The online racing simulator
UF Owners Club "May-Hem" Promo
(27 posts, started )
#1 - Dru
UF Owners Club "May-Hem" Promo's
This was a thread about my first videos, but now i have completed the full season review .

The movie is made from footage of the UF Owners Club, UF1000 "May-Hem" Cup that was run earlier in the season.

Here is the FULL season Review video Footage uploaded to Youtube.

Hopefully its shows more action and stuff is synced and no going thorugh cars

The league was extrememely successful and we hope to make another league in the coming months.

See the UF Owners Club thread for more details.

The UF1000 car is perceived as slow and boring by some.... i whole heartedly disagree


hmm, 5/10. Good music choice but not synced and the camera tends to go through the cars. There are some good camera points though but they just happen to be in the wrong place. Try to use pan rather than a static camera although I guess it might not give the effect you wanted to give.
#3 - Dru
#4 - Dru
Quote from BenjiMC :hmm, 5/10. Good music choice but not synced and the camera tends to go through the cars. There are some good camera points though but they just happen to be in the wrong place. Try to use pan rather than a static camera although I guess it might not give the effect you wanted to give.

Yeah - good critisim, did not think about that too much, afterall it was my first cobbled together effort.

Hopefully the latest 2 videos have a little more musical sync


I quite liked it very nice music and action
the first movie is quite alright
good to see the own car in action... both movies that's great
For a start, the UF1 is my favourite car. Secondly, I thought it was a good video! The timing with the crash and the music at the start was good and the camera angles were good (apart from the drive thru camera problem). I'd give it 7/10 for a first movie
The div 2 Aston movie - 10/10 for featuring lots of me
#10 - Dru
#11 - Dru
Nicely Done, but make sure to credit the band. They like publicity too
#14 - Dru
New full footage video now posted in top thread
Quote from Dru :New full footage video now posted in top thread

really great...
the full footage is fantastic...
and I like to see flying cows
Nice shots of my crashes there. None of mine are as good as Jamie's roll after hitting the barrier then carrying on like nothing happened
#17 - Dru
Quote from Leifde :Nice shots of my crashes there. None of mine are as good as Jamie's roll after hitting the barrier then carrying on like nothing happened

missed that - will have to release a version 2 :P
It was the flying cow one?
#19 - Dru
ah you mean Jamie'S14 drift'??

i thought you meant the FE green crash between you and JamieB
Ah no, that one, well, 1st place nerves and a bit of confusion caused that one...
to avoid confusions... call JamieB = JMB (her nick during Demo times) and Moo.S14 Drift = Jamie, and we solved the problem
When is the series coming again i love the UF1 it's

so much fun in those lil cars

Basicly looking for some nice UF1000 racing
I really liked the pauses on the music beats!
(TFalke55) DELETED by TFalke55
UF Baby-R "Fall_Out" Cup Promo
just made a Promotion for the Fall-Out Cup with the UF Baby-R

EDIT: This jpeg is the link aswell... just klick on it...!!!
EDIT 2: as far as I got news, it doesn't work, so here is the direct link: ... amp;current=UFr_Promo.flv
EDIT 3: updated the version, link above should work.
#25 - Dru
well the direct link never works for me Falke, but kudos for making the promo

Also people can see rare footage, a UKCT car leading (and not rolling) J/K Jak....

UF Owners Club "May-Hem" Promo
(27 posts, started )