You need a compressor to reduce the file size. Fraps makes silly sized files because it would give your poor computer far too much to think about to run your game, capture it
and compress it at the same time.
Most video editing softwares render a final "cut" when you're done editing, at this point you select your compression codec. It depends what software you're using and what video codecs are installed on your machine as to what choice you'll get.
I'd recommend Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5, and a decent codec pack, since that will enable you to compress your film down to a
much smaller size, by using something popular like DivX etc
If you don't know anyone who has Premiere you could try this compressor instead, but as far as I know it's just a compressor, not an editing tool...
anyways the link to it was posted here [reply 4 by zockmachine]