The online racing simulator
I Need A Programer
Hello, I need a INSIM Program for my Server.

Is a Cops & Robbers Server(if it helps you in something)

Start with 3000 €.
An Euro is obtained for every second running in track.
There is a Money display in the top right(straight) corner

!help - Show this help
!money - Show your money to the other users
!cars - Show your cars owned to you an other users
!buy <car> - Buy a car
!send <amount> <lfsname> - Send money to another user
!carprices - Show car prices
!pay <amount> - Pay a fine to a Police

XFG: 3500€
LX4: 4500€
RB4: 4100€
FXO: 4300€
XRT: 4000€
LX6: 6000€
RAC: 8500€
FZ5: 9000€
UFR: 7000€
XFR: 9000€
FXR: 15000€
FZR: 12000€


This is the exact same thing that already is there hundreds of times.

Just saying...
Sure, I'll be willing to do it. Here's some standard boilerplate for you to consider.

We estimate that our solution approach would take 650 man hours to implement. We are quoting a blended billing rate of $300.00 per hour for this project. Our total professional services quotation is $195,000.00 on a time and materials basis. We do not expect to incur any travel related expenses.

Since the detailed functional requirements have not been defined, we would prefer to work on a time and materials basis to implement the project. We have found that our clients achieve the best value through this approach since they have some control over the ultimate cost of the solution.

However, we are able and willing to provide a fixed-bid quotation for professional services for this project. Our fixed-bid quotation would be $225,000.00, with 50% paid at the start of the project, 10% to be paid upon completion of all project deliverables, and the remaining 40% to be paid upon the completion of interim project deliverables. The specific details of what deliverables would be tied to the payments of interim deliverables will be determined at the time the contract is signed.
Quote from Hollywood :Sure, I'll be willing to do it. Here's some standard boilerplate for you to consider.

We estimate that our solution approach would take 650 man hours to implement. We are quoting a blended billing rate of $300.00 per hour for this project. Our total professional services quotation is $195,000.00 on a time and materials basis. We do not expect to incur any travel related expenses.

Since the detailed functional requirements have not been defined, we would prefer to work on a time and materials basis to implement the project. We have found that our clients achieve the best value through this approach since they have some control over the ultimate cost of the solution.

However, we are able and willing to provide a fixed-bid quotation for professional services for this project. Our fixed-bid quotation would be $225,000.00, with 50% paid at the start of the project, 10% to be paid upon completion of all project deliverables, and the remaining 40% to be paid upon the completion of interim project deliverables. The specific details of what deliverables would be tied to the payments of interim deliverables will be determined at the time the contract is signed.

I did not think that it was difficult so much, if someone has one, please send it to me.
Great! Then do it yourself, if its not so difficult.

Quote from the_master :I did not think that it was difficult so much.

Tbh ive started working with programming my self and insim's and i will tell you now it ISNT EASY!!!!
Quote from Hollywood :Great! Then do it yourself, if its not so difficult.

Sorry I'm spanish an the translator do bad his work jeje, por si alguien sabe español lo que quería decir es que no sabía que fuera tan complicado. Lo siento si os he ofendido
#8 - Ian.H
Quote from the_master :Sorry I'm spanish an the translator do bad his work jeje, por si alguien sabe español lo que quería decir es que no sabía que fuera tan complicado. Lo siento si os he ofendido

I don't think it's a language thing (I personally have no idea what you wrote in Spanish here).. more that you seem to think that coding such a program is a pretty simple job. I've not coded anything InSim related as yet, but can tell you that what you're asking for isn't something that would be done in a day and the current systems out there, exactly the same as what you're asking for, have had weeks and months of work put into them, which is probably why many are unwilling to share their code.

Ask for help, and I'm sure many people will offer you advice, suggestions.. hell, even working code snippets.. asking someone to write a complete app for you, IMO.. is just takin' the piss.


Oh Good-bye to my illusions , It is not possible to do
I have an idea, maybe go out and get a coding book what teaches you the very basics and go from there, maybe go for the language php or maybe c#, c++, I would go for php it seems to be used alot.

no offence man but don't we already have enough cruise servers? we have 4 plus 3 more launching. and looks like another 3 WIPs
Quote from Ian.H :I don't think it's a language thing (I personally have no idea what you wrote in Spanish here).. more that you seem to think that coding such a program is a pretty simple job. I've not coded anything InSim related as yet, but can tell you that what you're asking for isn't something that would be done in a day and the current systems out there, exactly the same as what you're asking for, have had weeks and months of work put into them, which is probably why many are unwilling to share their code.

Ask for help, and I'm sure many people will offer you advice, suggestions.. hell, even working code snippets.. asking someone to write a complete app for you, IMO.. is just takin' the piss.



I have to say I agree with you on the whole (hell, even I, no programmer at all am getting tired by the constant "insim requests"), but what he said in spanish there was that he didn't know it was so complicated to make such an app, and he apologises if he has offended anyone
Quote from Gil07 :I have to say I agree with you on the whole (hell, even I, no programmer at all am getting tired by the constant "insim requests"), but what he said in spanish there was that he didn't know it was so complicated to make such an app, and he apologises if he has offended anyone

Thanks Gil.. Spanish wasn't offered back in school, and I've never been to Spain so had little reason to learn Spanish off my own back.


Programming (also InSim programming) is not difficult, it is only time consuming, very time consuming.

+1 for Hollywoods first post from me.
Hehehe, a bit of tongue-n-cheek in my post there.

Quote from Brilwing :also
+1 for Hollywoods first post from me.