\lspped the Laptop in disaster
(331 posts, closed, started )
Quote from ChiliFan :Link to it on other forums, perhaps we can make him an internet phenomenon.

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Quote from ChiliFan :Link to it on other forums, perhaps we can make him an internet phenomenon.

That would be awesome. Get the word "Harjun" internationally recognised as a computer term for over-clocking too far.

"Ah crap, I was clocking my new computer, was all going well but then I hit harjun."
Quote from harjun :do your research at Haberdashers' Askes' Boys' School...(Habs Boys) on the league tables...it is actually 4th

It's a shame money doesn't buy you intelligence isn't it.
Maybe we can spread the word far enough for Dell to come out with a Harjun limited edition XPS laptop, with locked BIOS, and formed ONE PIECE construction, to ensure the best protection against overclocking. That way the n00bs can waste their money on something they won't **** up
its really wierd now...when i plug the AC adaptor in the laptop...it shuts down, and when i close the screen a little, it shuts down (if i move it a little bit)...

whats wrong now? i never did anything to it, not even dropped it or anything.....its really anoying
You opened it up - perhaps you nocked something loose?
The problem is that you did lots of stuff to it or have you forgot the last 500 plus posts regarding what you've done to it?
but how do i check?
even the touchpad feels loose
ok...bascically, when i still move the lid around, it shuts down (could be a loose circuit?) and i cant starat the laptop with the power adaptor, but if can plug it in when it is all started, so any ideas of how to fix it
Sounds like you've screwed up a connection somewhere. DONT have a look yourself, take it to a repair shop.
Harjun, I have a idea. Since you like lying so much. I may intrduce you to Dani, she hates liars with a passion. I am a liar, but I don't go around lying on the forums saying 'oh, I have an x mhz processor, how do I overclock it to a y mhz processer'. I can honestly say I've not lied ONCE on the forums. You on the other hand...I should call Dani and tell her to add you. In fact, I'll ask next time she's online

You two should get along JUST fine...*evil grin*

I can ask her if she wants to add you first...

i dont wanna be friends with your....friends. Thank you Frenchy, do you think PC World will do it?
You could have broke something when you took it too bits and put it back together, burnt something out when you were overclocking it, not plugged something back in correctly or something is loose or all of the above. This list is endless and you've been lucky that you didn't **** it up before now.

I don't understand how you can think/say you didn't do anything to it!!
but i didnt do anything to it before it mucked up, maybe a week before it mucked up...i think someone has like...dropped it or something

Just take it to PC World and NEVER, EVER ask for help here again.
Quote from harjun : do you think PC World will do it?

You just don't know how funny that is

I'd pop down to PC World if i was you, you are their ideal customer.

In fact, knowing the standard of work they do, you could probably get a job teaching them how to fix computers.
@The Moose: What the...? PC World following Harjun's advice? I know people want rid of 'em. But that's a bit harsh

@Harjun: I never said Dani'd be friends with you.

Yo man just take that hunk of scrap plastic to the computer repair store. You'll probably get ripped off when they realize how n00b you are, but hey, your fault. Something probably got disconnected, or something wasn't re-assembled correctly. Get them to look at it, and remind them to password protect the BIOS and don't tell you the password
Quote from DieKolkrabe :But that's a bit harsh

Nothings too harsh when it comes to PC World I hate everything about them with a passion.
Maybe if they decided to employ people who actually knew something about computers instead of clueless salespeople i might change my view.

I'm no computer expert but i can bamboozle most PC World staff in seconds.

You have to be desperate to have anything to do with that company.
Heh. I agree Moose.

I went in there a few weeks back, needed a new headset, they showed me a good range, I asked if they were PC compatible, somebody said, and I quote 'No, they're PS/2. They're made by Sony. You can't use them on the PC' I just about kept a straight face and said 'yes you can' and bought it. It's starting to act up today, but I can get a new headset for £5-10

My friend was telling me that his grand pa wanted a gaming computer....and they told him it had a quad processor...but it was only actually a single core pentium 4 lol that was funny

so still any ideas?....because its just been fine the whole week...
Yeah, just get your coat and go away.
whats a coat? the pocket fell of, how do i fix it? (joking)

its really sunny anyway, don't need a coat....and im not sure,
Our ideas are to take it to a shop...
This thread is closed

\lspped the Laptop in disaster
(331 posts, closed, started )