3DS Max 9
(28 posts, closed, started )
#1 - sam93
3DS Max 9
I am new to rendering and i have 3ds max 9 full version and i would like to know where i can get some good tuts like how to add blueprints and on how to render.

So any help is well appreciated.

#3 - sam93
Does anyone know if they have made CMX importer for 3ds max 9 yet because i want to render a skin but cant because i cant get the right files for it and because i cant get brazil i need to do they skin a different way and dont know what way i am going to have to do it.

#5 - sam93
#6 - sam93
Also when i go to assign material to selection it wont let me click on the botton why is this?

Age 14 and you have the full version of 3ds Max 9?

Let me guess, it's trial or your parents are rich?
#8 - sam93
Quote from spankmeyer :Age 14 and you have the full version of 3ds Max 9?

Let me guess, it's trial or your parents are rich?

Nope it's a full version
Who cares if it's cracked, AFAIK Autodesk close their eyes on non-commercial use of cracked versions of 3ds max.
LFSForum has been overrun with rather curious double standards. So it's ok - and sometimes even encouraged by the community - to use unauthorized versions of expensive software (Photoshop, 3ds Max, Premiere... list goes on) meanwhile cracked S2 user gets battered out of town.

Moderators having anything to comment?
Quote from spankmeyer :LFSForum has been overrun with rather curious double standards. So it's ok - and sometimes even encouraged by the community - to use unauthorized versions of expensive software (Photoshop, 3ds Max, Premiere... list goes on) meanwhile cracked S2 user gets battered out of town.

Moderators having anything to comment?

Well of course I payed for S2 but the cracked version of 3DS Max 9 is for education purposes only, I am using it only for education because I am currently doing Graphics GCSE in school so i use it to learn abit more about rendering.

Quote from sam93 :Well of course I payed for S2 but the cracked version of 3DS Max 9 is for education purposes only, I am using it only for education because I am currently doing Graphics GCSE in school so i use it to learn abit more about rendering.


I'll have to remember that one....

"Of course I paid for my Ford Escort occifer.. I only stole this Ferrari as I'm learning to race!".


Quote from Ian.H :

I'll have to remember that one....

"Of course I paid for my Ford Escort occifer.. I only stole this Ferrari as I'm learning to race!".



Ok Ian, how could a 14 year old pay for 3ds max, like i am going to use the software for marketing purposes, its strictly for education purposes, alot of people use torrent sites, alot of people on here say they don't but I bet they proberly do.

Quote from sam93 :Ok Ian, how could a 14 year old pay for 3ds max, like i am going to use the software for marketing purposes, its strictly for education purposes, alot of people use torrent sites, alot of people on here say they don't but I bet they proberly do.


---- --- - --== ==== whooooooooooooosh!!

Stealing a Ferrari to learn to race would be "strictly for educational purposes" too. Do you really think Mr. Plod would accept that excuse?

Ever thought that you could possibly.... wait for it.... go without? Seeing as it's a non-essential item in your life, you don't _need_ it, you just _want_ it.. there's a massive difference.

Tell you what, I've seen a couple of discussions about your friends Cossie. I want one.. just so I can take it for track days.. purely so I can understand the cars handling / physics better (read: for educational purposes only). I'll drop by one night and steal your friend's car. I'll tell you that I've done it, of course. That'd be OK wouldn't it? I mean, it would only be for me to learn things so for educational purposes only.. It's not like I'm going to use it for marketing.


I think Autodesk has a version of 3ds max for education. I can't remember if that is free or very low price that students can afford.
Quote from Ian.H :---- --- - --== ==== whooooooooooooosh!!

Stealing a Ferrari to learn to race would be "strictly for educational purposes" too. Do you really think Mr. Plod would accept that excuse?

Ever thought that you could possibly.... wait for it.... go without? Seeing as it's a non-essential item in your life, you don't _need_ it, you just _want_ it.. there's a massive difference.

Tell you what, I've seen a couple of discussions about your friends Cossie. I want one.. just so I can take it for track days.. purely so I can understand the cars handling / physics better (read: for educational purposes only). I'll drop by one night and steal your friend's car. I'll tell you that I've done it, of course. That'd be OK wouldn't it? I mean, it would only be for me to learn things so for educational purposes only.. It's not like I'm going to use it for marketing.



I must say you do like a good argument don't you. I know you are being sarcy about my half sisters dads cossie but I must say you wont even be able to get into his garage he loves the car so much and it only comes out about 1-2 times a month. It's not that I jus want it, I like to draw and when I was in hospital with a massive head injury because i came off my push bike without a helmet on, I drawn alot of cars and i drawn a concept. Who ever pays for 3ds max just to do lfs renders are made, thats what i am learning to do at the moment, rendering lfs cars. People use torrent sites everyday, I dont really care how illegal it is, you don't see the police and the goverment trying to shut these sites down do you.
Quote from sam93 :I must say you do like a good argument don't you.

I've been known to, but this isn't just about arguments sake. You really don't understand do you?

Quote :I know you are being sarcy about my half sisters dads cossie but I must say you wont even be able to get into his garage he loves the car so much and it only comes out about 1-2 times a month.

On the contrary.. I love Cossies. There was nothing sarcastic about that comment. I only used it as an example as I saw you saying in another thread how much you liked the car.. so if I nicked it, you'd probably be pretty pissed off.

From the brief bits I read about the car itself, it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Quote :It's not that I jus want it, I like to draw and when I was in hospital with a massive head injury because i came off my push bike without a helmet on, I drawn alot of cars and i drawn a concept. Who ever pays for 3ds max just to do lfs renders are made, thats what i am learning to do at the moment, rendering lfs cars.

Dude... I really like Ferraris.. always have.. but it doesn't mean I can go out and nick one and flaunt that fact. I've had some pretty iffy car accidents over the years, that still doesn't give me an excuse. Likewise, I used to be a mechanic, nicking a car so I can tinker with the mechanics isn't an excuse either.

Just because you want to render LFS cars means it's ok to nick what you want? Would you post on Discreet's forum and say "hey.. I'm using a cracked copy of 3DS as I like cars and wanted to render cars from a game". My guess would be no. Care to explain why you wouldn't?

Quote :People use torrent sites everyday, I dont really care how illegal it is, you don't see the police and the goverment trying to shut these sites down do you.

No doubt they do.. how many do you see trying to validate their reasons publicly?

You really need to do some more research about the situation if you really think there's not organisations etc out there that are targeting such torrent sites and also people using them. Never heard of the "MAFIAA"? You have a lot to learn about teh interwebz.


Quote from Ian.H :I've been known to, but this isn't just about arguments sake. You really don't understand do you?

On the contrary.. I love Cossies. There was nothing sarcastic about that comment. I only used it as an example as I saw you saying in another thread how much you liked the car.. so if I nicked it, you'd probably be pretty pissed off.

From the brief bits I read about the car itself, it sounds pretty sweet to me.

Dude... I really like Ferraris.. always have.. but it doesn't mean I can go out and nick one and flaunt that fact. I've had some pretty iffy car accidents over the years, that still doesn't give me an excuse. Likewise, I used to be a mechanic, nicking a car so I can tinker with the mechanics isn't an excuse either.

Just because you want to render LFS cars means it's ok to nick what you want? Would you post on Discreet's forum and say "hey.. I'm using a cracked copy of 3DS as I like cars and wanted to render cars from a game". My guess would be no. Care to explain why you wouldn't?

No doubt they do.. how many do you see trying to validate their reasons publicly?

You really need to do some more research about the situation if you really think there's not organisations etc out there that are targeting such torrent sites and also people using them. Never heard of the "MAFIAA"? You have a lot to learn about teh interwebz.



LOL, It wouldn't bother me if my sisters dads car got nicked, yes I love the car it is in mint condition but i wouldn't loose no sleep over it if it got stolen.

I see where you are coming from, I'm using a cracked version of 3ds max9 so what.

I know alot about computers Ian actually so you can argue all you want about the other stuff but I don't need to do any research on pc and the net lol.

I must say Ian it is enjoyable reading your threads because you wont leave something untill you have got your point across lol, so just drop it know

Quote from sam93 :LOL, It wouldn't bother me if my sisters dads car got nicked, yes I love the car it is in mint condition but i wouldn't loose no sleep over it if it got stolen.

Fine.. but I think you get the point I was trying to make with that.

Quote :I see where you are coming from, I'm using a cracked version of 3ds max9 so what.

Now you see, that's stupidity coming into play. Whether you do or you don't, posting something like that publicly on a forum is like carrying a dufflebag full of a cash withdrawal from a bank with 'SWAG' embroidered on it.

Quote :I know alot about computers Ian actually so you can argue all you want about the other stuff but I don't need to do any research on pc and the net lol.

Hah... I've been using computers since before you were even a twinkle in your ol' man's eye.. I still have _plenty_ to learn and I'm far from being computer illiterate. Just because you may know a fair bit about computers doesn't mean you're clued-up on all aspects of IT and law.



To quote an infamous ad campaign:
Quote :"You wouldn't steal S2..."

So you shouldn't steal other software either. Simple as that. Unless you drop the attitude, admit you're wrong and show respect to software developers, I'd enjoy seeing the ban hammer drop and example to be set.
I had to comment here, sorry I just couldn't resist.

Ian, if copies of 3dsmax, were rare and unique, and I was physically stealing, and stopping the previous owner of using it. I wouldn't steal it...

If I could make an exact copy of my friends ferrari, no harm done to his or anyone elses... and just drive it to learn how to race better... and then buy my own once I want to enter the 'ferrari challenge' or some such series, then hrmm, that's starting to push the boundaries of my morals and ethics. But that's a silly sort of metaphor anyway, because that's why we race simulators eh? :P

It's more like stealing a ferrari, to put your toy model ferrari inside, and take pictures of it... Because 3dsmax is quite a powerful program, capable of much more than rendering a 3d model.

Hrmm, or, is it like stealing S2, just so you can take screenshots of LFS cars that aren't in the demo version? Now, that makes me think.

But would anyone really feel comfortable charging someone else a large some of money to take/use a 'copy' (read: copy meaning, not depriving anyone else of it) of their software and use 0.000001% of it's potential?

"Sure kid, here's your newspaper for $2, enjoy reading the comic section" Whch by the way, is down to half a page in our local tabloid! Shocking I know! Half a page out of say, 100? My god, 0.5%? 1cent? Just photocopy the comic section for him gov'ner!

Quote :The Autodesk suggested retail price for 3ds Max 9 software is US $3495

How many paper rounds is that sam? Do without buddy. Deprive yourself of your dreams, which may otherwise have been fulfilled. And let only the rich develop their true potential!

Sam, I hope you learn how to do some cool renders!

Quote from Ian.H :
Quote :
People use torrent sites everyday, I dont really care how illegal it is, you don't see the police and the goverment trying to shut these sites down do you.

No doubt they do.. how many do you see trying to validate their reasons publicly?

Maybe... 1% of the world's population owning 40% of the worlds wealth is having something to do with it? And the other %60 percent can't afford to buy everything they "want", but we do live in a product driven world. It's hard to expect people not to steal, when what's shoved in their face everyday is "You need this, BUY IT", "You need that, BUY IT". Especially when the people shoving it in your face could buy your (that's a hypothetical 'your') life 100 times over. Maybe Mr. Autodesk can give one of his ferrari's to you guys to share? I'm sure it's just pocket change to him.

Hah, typing this out made me think, wouldn't a GNU/GPL licensed car be funny? Sure, use whatever you want, just make sure you don't say it's yours and sell it for profit! "Here's your copy!"

I'm going to regret pressing enter on this post, aren't I? So, feel free to delete it, and/or ignore it.
Avaran, no need to delete post or regret it either.

Thing is... the "I'm not stealing your Ferrari, only copying it" -metaphor is not working here.

You see... Someone at Ferrari (Autodesk, Scavier) had to pay for the materials (code libraries, compilers) and design (coding, background research, beta testing) to create a product with a price.

Now that price of a single product covers maybe 0,1% percent of the total cost to deliver that product to the market.

Someone valued the product enough to buy one. Now you come and copy that item... and a friend of you copies your copy... and someone copies that copy of a copy.

Tell me did the company cover their losses with sales when they sold one unit that covered practically nothing of the total cost of the product development?

I think they won't try again to give you something you like when they go bankrupt.
Just use Blender... There's a nice tutorial a few posts down
Quote from sam93 :....I am currently doing Graphics GCSE in school so i use it to learn abit more about rendering....I drawn alot of cars and i drawn a concept. ...thats what i am learning to do at the moment...

So you want to be a designer in the future... I wonder what would you feel if you work hard on your design for a company, at the end, they make a million for it and took all the design credit but they don't pay you a penny?

Things goes in a cycle, what you do now will happen to you in the future.... Sad world isn't it.
Quote from Ian.H :Fine.. but I think you get the point I was trying to make with that.

Now you see, that's stupidity coming into play. Whether you do or you don't, posting something like that publicly on a forum is like carrying a dufflebag full of a cash withdrawal from a bank with 'SWAG' embroidered on it.

Hah... I've been using computers since before you were even a twinkle in your ol' man's eye.. I still have _plenty_ to learn and I'm far from being computer illiterate. Just because you may know a fair bit about computers doesn't mean you're clued-up on all aspects of IT and law.



I am not saying that I know all about computers, thats why when I am older I am going to college becoming a software and web developer well basically a programmer, once I have my qualifications I will work for someone for about 2 years to get some experience then I will be opening my own software and web development company what will also supply Web Hosting.
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3DS Max 9
(28 posts, closed, started )