The online racing simulator
#1 - Jakg
I could convert it but i don't want to upload some useless crap that will only ever be used once.
Why do you want them in MP3s? Are you uploading them into some gadget which understands only MPs? In computers the players normally understand ogg just fine.

In Winamp there is output into file (see preferences/plugins/output). I can't be bothered to try, might be crap quality.

Goldwave can output into MP3 if you have that. Maybe other editors too.
There are a lot of free converters, but you can just play the Oggs. If Winamp can't play them on default there are plugins that make it possible. It will have bigger quality then when you convert to MP3 because the files ware allready compressed making them Ogg and will be compressed again making the Oggs MP3. That's not good for the quality

I was converting the other way around this week because i wanted my own music in LFS. Can't help you because i've deleted the orignal LFS-oggs.
#5 - Jakg
Use a decent media player then? VLC does, as does XMPlay (with an addon) and Winamp
WMP? Why drive Trabant when you can have MB for free?

If you don't want to download add-ons. Atleast Winamp, Foobar2000 and Deliplayer2 play them straight.

The supported file format list must be longest in Deliplayer. It can play even old Amiga and C64 sound/music files, but you are so young you don't have interest to play them I guess.
Quote from Plastik8 :This is a plugin from the official OGG website, which allows you to play OGG in WMP.

Although it doesn't restore your dignity.