The online racing simulator
#1 - Jakg
Request - Batch Convert Setups To A Specific Tyre Manufacturer
TBH i exected this to be made a year ago about 3 days after the april update, but i've just remembered that it's not yet been made...

I was hoping someone could find a way to automatically convert all tyres to a specific manufacturer (personally i'd want "Plain").

I can't think of what else to say

Compared to the other requests in this sub-section (ie "make me an InSim y0!" and "i want t3h nozzzzzzzzz") i shouldn't think this is that hard to make, but alas with (almost) no programming knowledge and no way of reading a .set file it's too hard for me...

There is no file information for a .set on, either

Could anyone help? You'll get to hear how i'm such a massive hit with women...?

Thanks, Jakg
#2 - herki
I'm pretty sure I've seen the structure of the setupfile somewhere, I don't know if it is for the current patch though.
Anyways, it shouldn't be that hard, as long as the setupfiles have the same structure (which I guess they have). If I get some free time on my hands (i.e. if I'm not lazy as usual) and nobody else will have done, I could do that
#3 - Jakg
I'm probably wrong, but i'd imagine that if there is no data for the tyre company it sets it to "Plain", as setups from the old patch worked when the new tyre stuff was introduced, except they were all set to Plain.

Of course, i'd imagine that it would probably be nicer to set the company you wanted...
Really easy to alter that, I've never done batch processing before but I'm well used to working with the LFS setup format. I've got a couple of hours to kill, I'll see what I can manage.

If you're interested in the format: and it's on the LFS wiki too
Done. File attached, and source included for those that care.
Just run setup2plain yoursetupdirectory outputsetupdirectory

(i.e. setup2plain D:\Apps\Games\LiveForSpeed\S2\data\settings D:\Apps\Games\LiveForSpeed\S2\data\settings_new, for myself)

The idea is that it doesnt overwrite your existing setups.

I've only briefly tested it. If you break anything on your system, its your fault. I recommend you make a backup of your sets first. There's practically no error checking (doesnt check setup format revision etc. etc.), so if it doesnt work then you've got a problem. It also only does a fuzzy check (read: quick) for ensure that the files are setups, so becareful.

Edit: Modified slightly to make it obvious where it thinks files are being read from and going to.
Attached files - 5.4 KB - 252 views
Didn't know you were racing me to it. I'm nearly half way there now so I might as well finish it.
#7 - Jakg
Thanks Karl!

(Go on Bob, make one with a GUI! And with more options! :P)
Quote from Bob Smith :Didn't know you were racing me to it. I'm nearly half way there now so I might as well finish it.

In my defence I had started before you commented, and nearly finished when you had commented (*grumble*, bloodly customers distracting me).

Bob, if it's worth it you could just add an extract parameter to my program, which sets what type of tyre gets displayed, and then you could make a nice gui front end for that (calling setup2plain and capturing the output into a little console window) Much quicker

Edit: maybe it's worth having races for generating little programs / scripts like this... It could be kinda fun, and produce some really entertaining hacks. It might make the non-insim related requests run
Quote from Jakg :(Go on Bob, make one with a GUI! And with more options! :P)

Done. See attached. Took a little longer as since I saw Karl already had the basics sorted, so it needed to be fancy to be worth posting.

Quote from the_angry_angel : In my defence I had started before you commented, and nearly finished when you had commented (*grumble*, bloodly customers distracting me).

I guessed as much. I think it should be common sense to post that you're going to work on something though, to stop two (or more) people writing essentially the same thing.
Attached files - 13.5 KB - 259 views
Quote from Bob Smith :I guessed as much. I think it should be common sense to post that you're going to work on something though, to stop two (or more) people writing essentially the same thing.

Given my history of starting stuff and not finishing it (which was likely to happen again) I thought it might not be worth while
#11 - Jakg
Erm, is this normal when i select all of the setups?
Attached images
Hmm, it's possible it won't work in Vista. I take it you are running 64-bit? Does it work with a single file, or just a few? Probably a parsing error from the common dialog or something. I don't have Vista installed to test it. Will do some digging.