This one has higher clock speeds, so it's slightly better. But what do you mean by "dvi to hdmi"? They are the same, all you need is a cable to convert between them.
i kno, so should i go for the last card i mentioned?
i was going to take a 2900 series wich is near 400€ but my dad called me crazy, do it wont be happenin
why 2? just to say: hey i have 2 gfx cards in crossfire/SLi!!, it doesn't makes that much difference they told me at work for those few frames more. If u take one expensive 8800 or wait for the new nvidia line ull be much better of i think, i alwyas can be wrong but ye...
edit: as long as ur a happy it doesnt matter , when my dad saw the prices of my Crosshair mobo he declared me nuts either, IDC!!!
i can wait for the new serie u said, i want sli/crossfire for more screens since i'm studieing graphic designing, i want to practice at home, i need alot of screens so i dont need to keep switching, i dont want to use a video splitter
SLi/Crossfire sucks unless you have a HUGE screen, get the cards INCREDIBLY cheap or if you have THE best cards on the market.
I can get 2 screens outta my GFX card, and a spare 6200 would cost me £20 for 2 extra monitors. If you use more than 2 monitors you can't enable SLi anyway
Yes, but if you want multi-monitor then get one good card and an extra rubbish one - ie a 6200 or 7300GT, but do NOT get a "Hypermemory" or "Turbocache" one
ok, all parts r ordered!!
heres a list:
intel core 2 duo E6850
GigaByte P35-DS3P
ddr2-800 4x1gb patriot memory
and for now 1 of these
ill get a second on on xmas, all parts should be in next week
i wanted 2x2gb ram, but it was much cheaper if i got 4x1gb
and offcourse by xmas ill have a nice shiny 24" widescreen sitting on my desktop
question tho, is SLI possible on that motherboard?
my shop says: generally yes
can it?
or else what mobo should i get around 150€ and got the same specs but sli?
since my video cards are sli...
i'll need sli...
or should i go for ati and crossfire?
i think nvidia cards r better for the moment
for sli, i got these mobo's:
Asus P5N-E SLI
Asus P5NT WS
like this 1 more:
Abit IN9 32X-MAX "Beast"
this would be good 2
But theres no point, if you can only afford an 8600, then only buy an 8600 - if you then end up with a spare £100 you'd be MUCH better getting somethng like a 2900 Pro / 8800GTS rather than an 8600GTS.
SLi (imo) sucks - you have to pay more for a chipset that isn't neccesarily better, while getting more noise and a beefier PSU.