CTRA points system
(28 posts, started )
CTRA points system
Is there a link to the current points system in CTRA? I just need to understand how the points are awarded. Cos from the end of the race, I cannot figure it out as it seems that what car u drive has a bearing on how many pts u r awarded.
Thanks Becky. I know i suck:weeping: but I would just like to understand how the points are awarded. I am sorry if my post sounded like I was bashing :chairs:the system. I dont have a problem with the system but I'd like to know so that I have a better idea on how much pts I will be getting based on my finishing position.

Example: 10pts for 1st place, 8 pts for 2nd place..........
It's not as simple as that. There are many more factors involved than just finishing position.

Perhaps Becky's post here will give you a better understanding, but predicting exactly how much points you're gonna get will still be quite difficult.

EDIT: damn it, Becky beat me to it
attention BECKY....
Just completed a race on FE3 - server 2 and the points seem to be a little strange. I hope you might be able to work it out Becky. Thought you'd want to see it as, from first look, it doesn't seem right.

I won the race without crashing and yellow flagging and had a 1.5 second better lap time than RPM_GUNNELL. Yet, he received 40 points to my 26 points.

Do platinum get more points just because they are platinum???

Thought you'd want to see it..... have attached a screenshot for you....

Attached images
Probably a yellow somewhere.
So if you get a yellow and win the race with a 1.5 sec better lap time and 30 seconds overall, you get 14 more points for a 3rd place?

seems odd to me....

not having a dig... just pointing out
you loose points for off road driving?
Thanks for the explanation, Becky. Helped clear things up a lot. Now I understand how it works.
No Andy. The guy behind probably scored maximum points for cleanliness. It's possible to get the same points bonus that you would have got by setting a lap record by not throwing any yellow flags at all.
I suspect there is the special ANDY code section at work
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :I suspect there is the special ANDY code section at work

If drivername = "StableX" Then
End If

Actually it looks like this

If p.username = "StableX"
End If

Quote from Becky Rose :Actually it looks like this

If p.username = "StableX"
End If

OMG, Becky ( better known as Pele!) writes code, just for me.... I knew she likes me
this may have been covered before, but does it subtract for yellows caused right after the finish line? Just wondering if it assigns the score right at finish or counts what most people (myself included) usually do after the finish line.... crash party!
Once you cross the finish line yellows are not tracked. I'm not 100% sure what I did for people who leave the pits after the race has ended though.
cool thanks. Long live CTRA
omg u get so many points at race 2 per race...lol
race 1 is tight giving points away these days
example...no yellow flags, no offroad, just pure clean race ...:S )
Attached images
Is there any chance, to get the full points system listed? I.e. licence status multiplier, car model multiplier, etc., ...
No. For the umpteenth time, the algorithms will not be posted.
Why do people even want to know? Just race, you race well and finish well your license will progress, that's all you need to know
It's all about understanding some strange things happening. I.e. some weeks ago I raced 3 times, FE gold with XRG. I won 3 times in a row, I improved my best laptime and racetime 3 times in a row, but the points credited got worse. If you are not able to reconstruct the reason, you ...let's say... might get pissed.

Another important thing: Don't you think, people that know about getting less points for each race incident, would drive more cleanly?