The online racing simulator
Too long races?
(27 posts, started )
Too long races?
I don`t know how`s the race1 server is, but I just want to say that I think the races are too long on race 2 server :/ As touring, takes like 3 minutes in GTR2 class, and now it`s 6 laps :/ Why is it suddently been liked doubled compared to some days ago? 10 minutes races aprox is good, but not when they are 15 minutes + long :/
Maybe it`s only me that are kind of stupid, but are there no chance for having less laps?
Endurance day?

18 minutes isnt that long anyway.
For me, even that is too much hehe. Races of 5-7 minutes are perfect for public racing.
#4 - FL!P
I disagree that 15/20 minutes races are too long. CTRA is about selecting (and racing against) good racers, and IMO people who cannot race for more than 5 minutes in a row don't qualify as "good racers". They're more like hotlappers.

Also I regularly happen to be spun or pushed out at T1, and in this case I often manage to get back up through the field and finish in or near the top 5. That wouldn't be possible in 5 minutes races.
Quote from FL!P :and IMO people who cannot race for more than 5 minutes in a row don't qualify as "good racers". They're more like hotlappers.

If you make the races shorter, the drivers will try more banzai passes.
If anything the races need to be a touch longer. Just a touch mind!
Longer races of 15-20 minutes is just fine. Take more Ritalin if you have to.

Someday I hope people will realize that racing is not just driving as fast as possible for a few laps. I can't wait until brake issues, heat issues, and mechnical issues come into play.
I agree - the races are too short.
neither too short nor too long. the timespan for a ctra public server race should be between 10 and 20 minutes.

shorter races are senseless, as you won´t have any real chance to have fights.

more than 20 minutes on the other hand make it a pain in the arse when you get spun out on lap 1 or 2.

keep the race lengths as they are, was quite a good choice to use the currently used ones.
I agree that it can be like 10-15 minutes, but not over that
almost 18 minutes long races gets borring because you often gets spun in the first corner of the T1 heroes, and then if you`r wrecked, you have to wait aprox 20 minutes before you can race again :/ Well you can mid-race join, but then you get no points.
#12 - Nobo
Quote from The Very End :I agree that it can be like 10-15 minutes, but not over that
almost 18 minutes long races gets borring because you often gets spun in the first corner of the T1 heroes, and then if you`r wrecked, you have to wait aprox 20 minutes before you can race again :/ Well you can mid-race join, but then you get no points.

But...if the races are longer, you have the time to fight yourself back after T1 mayhem and can overtake all the impatient people
Quote from Nobo :But...if the races are longer, you have the time to fight yourself back after T1 mayhem and can overtake all the impatient people

But thanks to the lag you get knocked off the track and gets "drove into a restricted area"
Quote from Nobo :But...if the races are longer, you have the time to fight yourself back after T1 mayhem and can overtake all the impatient people

Better yet if they are that much of a problem start the race from the rear by specatating before the the end of the last race and join while the grid is forming.

There are other ways (IE letting the field by on a start) but it's not reccommended.
Quote from FL!P :I disagree that 15/20 minutes races are too long. CTRA is about selecting (and racing against) good racers, and IMO people who cannot race for more than 5 minutes in a row don't qualify as "good racers". They're more like hotlappers.

Also I regularly happen to be spun or pushed out at T1, and in this case I often manage to get back up through the field and finish in or near the top 5. That wouldn't be possible in 5 minutes races.

i totally aggree racing is about moren than drive 5 laps or so, like in most public servers. such situation separates the boys from the men, and only the good racers are able to get good position. IMO the races could stay a little bit longer, so the new people understand, that crashing in T1 and then rejoin is no solution to do a race. the longer the races take, the more people pay attation, because the time to wait until next race start is a argument to stay in race, even after a T1 crash
Quote from haelje :i totally aggree racing is about moren than drive 5 laps or so, like in most public servers. such situation separates the boys from the men, and only the good racers are able to get good position. IMO the races could stay a little bit longer, so the new people understand, that crashing in T1 and then rejoin is no solution to do a race. the longer the races take, the more people pay attation, because the time to wait until next race start is a argument to stay in race, even after a T1 crash

I agree that the good drivers are the ones that finish, but I don`t agree, well it`s not nessesary that the skills depending on how long you can race a race. I could of course drive a 100 lap race on Blackwood, but I wouldn`t call myself goood just for that reason
6 laps is nothing on any given track. I'd rather see them all a bit longer.
Quote from teaz-R :6 laps is nothing on any given track. I'd rather see them all a bit longer.

What about more races, then you get many laps on the combo? ;p
lol ok, got your point. It`s a matter of taste actually, bet I just have to get used to it!
dudes , why is ferrybay (short one) has 12 laps and south city classic has 9? and laps on ferrybAY are 5 seconds quicker
Quote from blackcarmafia :dudes , why is ferrybay (short one) has 12 laps and south city classic has 9? and laps on ferrybAY are 5 seconds quicker

I think it`s depening on the total time for a avarage race. Both races are something like 12-13 mins if I don`t remember wrong.
And as Becky mentioned it`s depening on distance and such, so guess it`s ok
Quote from blackcarmafia :dudes , why is ferrybay (short one) has 12 laps and south city classic has 9? and laps on ferrybAY are 5 seconds quicker

You just explained it yourself
Quote from teaz-R :6 laps is nothing on any given track. I'd rather see them all a bit longer.

like i do
#24 - VoiD
Hi every1,

I agree, longer races would dissuade beginners to make a kamikaze 8-car pass on T1 and kill the race for half the field.

Plus, it's more enjoyable to have more time to think and plan your next overtake. And games are all about having fun, right?


Too long races?
(27 posts, started )