(22 posts, closed, started )
From digg
This is the saddest thing. Poor old seal
Seems to have happened a while ago but I didn't know that until today.
Attached images

First O RLY Owl, now the LOLrus. People, don't caption your cats!
Kev, lol cats = huge

orly owl -> orly cats -> orlyrus

LOL Jakg is gonna be sad
#4 - Jakg

Remember him for what he did best lads :'(
Everyone that is worth having in this world seems to past away these days
On the plus side, isn't seal a delicacy in Japan?
#8 - Bean0
Quote from Becky Rose :On the plus side, isn't seal a delicacy in Japan?

Yarrrrrrrrr, me timbers are shiverin at such a the plank with ye wench. pirate:
ahh man... lolrus and collin macrae ??? who's next chuck norris ??
Quote from theirishnoob :ahh man... lolrus and collin macrae ??? who's next chuck norris ??

Hey, stupid f**k, think before you write!! Jesus, how many idiots in this world!!?
Quote from theirishnoob :ahh man... lolrus and collin macrae ??? who's next chuck norris ??

Chuck Norris is the only person in the world that can actually email a roundhouse kick.

thats coming to you.. (it was theirishnoob chuck!!)
Quote from theirishnoob :ahh man... lolrus and collin macrae ??? who's next chuck norris ??

Go wash your mouth.

You're such an idiot :arge:
I would suggest people to not try beeing fun about, or having dead people involved in jokes. It ain`t good, and people finds it offending.
:tombstone R.I.P bigseal
Quote from The Very End :I would suggest people to not try beeing fun about, or having dead people involved in jokes. It ain`t good, and people finds it offending.

I would suggest that theirishidiot leaves this forum, never to return. Contributes nothing, knows nothing, irritates EVERYONE, and makes himself look stupid.
Yes. We should have a forum troll poll (hey, rhyme woot!). 'Who do we eliminate this month? Will be be troll 'x' or 'y'? Vote now!'

Don't ban me!
#17 - DeKo
Quote from theirishnoob :ahh man... lolrus and collin macrae ??? who's next chuck norris ??

You complete fucking idiot.
Quote from theirishnoob :ahh man... lolrus and collin macrae ??? who's next chuck norris ??

At least spell Colin McRae's name right!

RIP LOLrus, may you hold your bucket forever in the afterworld for Seals
Quote from Boris Lozac :Hey, stupid f**k, think before you write!! Jesus, how many idiots in this world!!?

im not stupid unlike this joke:

did you hear about the game i bought today ?? it keeps crashing.... collin mac rae - flight simulator.

dont test my ability to forfill sterotypes
Quote from theirishnoob :im not stupid unlike this joke:

did you hear about the game i bought today ?? it keeps crashing.... collin mac rae - flight simulator.

dont test my ability to forfill sterotypes

You complete idiot. Show some respect you ignorant, arrogant little brat.
Why don't you just go the generalstore, buy some rope and hang yourself in it?
#22 - SamH

I'm afraid the jokes are inevitable, and we will all have to deal. Very few notable events escape exactly this, as anyone around at the time of the first shuttle disaster will attest. The Pavarotti jokes were rife recently, too, and I've seen many groaners posted that have made my toes curl. But the personally directed abuse cannot continue, regardless of how you feel about an individual member on the forum - report grossly distasteful posts, please, rather than countering with equally inappropriate posts.
This thread is closed

(22 posts, closed, started )