The online racing simulator
#1 - Cawwa
Choice of cars Season 2
For sure two classes: GT1 and GT2
GT1 is the ordinary GTR cars, GT2 is going to be air restricted GTR cars as follows: FXR:25%, FZR:20%, XRR:25%,
So wait the XFR and UFR are allowed then?
#3 - Cawwa
If there is a big interest in that class, it's possible we allow it.
No real promise though and this far it's only one who show an interest ...
#4 - Cawwa
First post updated with air restriction for the GT2 class. Deadline for the chosen car will be 4 days before the first race. After that the chosen car stands the season out.
Are the restrictions really close to being evenly matched? I would nearly suggest using the CTRA GT2 class restrictions if these fail.
#6 - Cawwa
Quote from niall09 :Are the restrictions really close to being evenly matched? I would nearly suggest using the CTRA GT2 class restrictions if these fail.

I think they are pretty much good matched. This is what is going to be used in MoE and we follow their restriction. Only minor changes will be.
why does the FZR as the fastest car has the lowest restriction?
Or does I missunderstand air restriction?
Quote from tomylee :why does the FZR as the fastest car has the lowest restriction?
Or does I missunderstand air restriction?

I wondered that myself.
Well why dont you go and try them yourself to see if it makes any sense?
Since it's clear it will be only two classes, GT1 and GT2, I lock and unsticky this thread.
This thread is closed