Not sure what happend to my other post but i was wondering if i could get someone to give me another download place or like upload to because my school doesnt allow me to visit the main lfs site that would be a big help lol thanks.
ah all of them are blocked...i can only get to but i dont think that site allows uploads.. i came up with plan B to email the setup to myself and open my email in this class and that should work. haha i love loop holes in our school security.
Our firewall at work blocks the download of pretty much any self-extracting archives so I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case.
I certainly wouldn't try to email something that size to myself - it's definitely more likely to get flagged on the system than just traffic from other websites.
If you can get one of these nice people to upload a version that has the extension changed, you might get away with it that way.
But is it really worth the risk of installing it on a school machine? It'll probably have a crappy frame rate for one thing, and you'd probably be playing without sound by yourself using (at best) the mouse for steering. At the risk of getting into trouble for unauthorised software use? Not worth it if you ask me.
Just copy your entire LFS folder to a USB stick, take that with you to school, plug it in and play Unless you don't have a USB stick or something similar, of course...
the computers at my school are soo crappy anyway I wouldn't play LFS. it would make hte game look bad. so I play google earth plus in flight simulator mode
Ok well im home now but yeh our computers at school arent to bad they have road runner and a decent mouse and keyboard but our security isnt good besides blocking every site...all i need is someway to get the file into my school computer and i dont have a gig stick all i need is some random site to upload the file that isnt blocked..
the computers at my school have a program called deep freeze that erases any canges to the main hard drive when the computer is shut off. that means I have to reinstall anything I use.
Just throw it on a USB stick. Thats what I did to use LFS at school. It doesn't get picked up by any security program (even though they are a complete joke, and killing the process takes two seconds) It ran pretty good on our school's Dells (P4, 512DDR2, intergrated graphics)
Well I'll help you out on this one. RR is Time Warners cable internet. It's very stable in most locations and has extremly good up/down speed and bandwith. It's considered one of the betters ISP's in the U.S. currently.
So what part in the oxymoron here?
Unless you wan't to start with "computers don't become good or bad depending on their internet connection", which still wouldn't make it an oxymoron.