how do you get good camera angles? when i change the angle and start the second angle i miss some second between the angles. when i change i whant the camera to change instantly without and loss of seconds.. how do i do that?
AF = Anisotropic Filtering
FSAA = Full-Screen Anti-aliasing
You can find these from your NVIDIA driver preferences / control panel. I think they are turned off by default. If not always turn them off when recording movies. When you record use 640x480 with 16 bit colours (with 16 bit colours turn on "Dither" option in LFS's Graphics options). And of course the FPS depends what kind of situation you're having in LFS when recording. Lots of cars -> lower FPS...
Do you have bad performance in LFS in general? I'm just wondering.
Edit cfg.txt (while LFS is not running), find the MPR Message Block 0 near the end of the file and change that 0 to 2. This is the equivalent of pressing shift and -, it blocks system messages as well as chat mesages.