The online racing simulator
It'd be nice to see explanations of what the graphics options do, especially for the ones that are a matter or personal preference.
Quote : Anyone fancy doing something like this specifically for ATI cards?, especially my lowly X800PRO


Dan, I've been meaning to reply to this request for awhile. When I get home today sometime I'll write up a quick guide detailing some settings which should help people with our cards. I'll go into ATI tray tools settings as well as normal CCC settings, there are some good performance checks to enable which smooth out performance without sacrificing looks. I probably won't detail what each setting does (too much time) - I'll just put it out there for people to experiment with.
Should have posted this a while ago actually, but forgot about it until I played LFS last night again.

The screenshot is taken with full AA&AF, and what's bothering me is the rough edges I can see. Does anyone have an idea why those appear? I'm pretty sure I didn't see such things with my old Ati, the new card is 8800 GTS so I'm bit of a nVidia newbie...well, new with fancy graphics too really. And somehow the idiotic nVidia panel has selected Finnish as language, even my OS is in English and there wasn't a language selection available (I think), and I don't really understand any of the options because they don't make any sense when translated. Is there a way to change that?
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Those small things don't really bother me =)..

Its alright guide.. i like the effects...


Try the Mclaren skin on the BF1 at the City... Sunset..

Who needs a PS3????

All LFS needs IMO is some motion blurs and some contrasts/lighting and ta da! =)..
Isn`t there a motion blurs setting in option?
And what does it actually do, does it improve graphics?
I started to play around this this lastnight, but I could not find the Negative LOD Bias setting in nHancer. Did I just overlook it? I have a nvidia 7900 GS.
Should be on the last tab afaik.

I've got it on a 7950GT and that's virtually the same as a 7900GS
Well, I've written up a short guide which I've awesomely titled 'An LFS Good Graphics Guide for people with ATI cards'. Hopefully it may help someone out there...
Attached files
An LFS Good Graphics guide for people with ATI cards.doc - 38.5 KB - 2111 views
Quote from Jakg :Should be on the last tab afaik.

I've got it on a 7950GT and that's virtually the same as a 7900GS

It wasnt on the last tab..

I hit Profile at the top and it popped up in the 2nd tab with one oether option and clamp..
Quote from Electrik Kar :Well, I've written up a short guide which I've awesomely titled 'An LFS Good Graphics Guide for people with ATI cards'. Hopefully it may help someone out there...

I've added it to the first post if you don't mind...
Somehow nHancer doesn't work with AF for me. I have the same settings as in the first post, but my AA is at 16xQ.
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No AF wtf.JPG
TBH I don't see the point in using nHancer. Why not just use the inbuilt control panel?
That doesn't do AF either :/
nHancer does a lot more modes etc than the inbuilt one, and you can back stuff up using it.

@ Erik - No clue, sorry
Hmm, interesting guide, but doesn't seem very effective. LFS looks dated and no amount of mascara is going to change that. The only thing that will help is a major update to the graphics engine. Mainly lighting.
Well the default one does everything you need to make LFS look better, you just have to click on advanced settings.
Can i choose between various aa modes though?

Plus it can back stuff up a hell of a lot easier.
I'm 99% sure you can (I don't have a graphics card that supports Super Sampling AA, so i can't check). You can save and restore your config profile easily too.
I'll give you a hint - you get the option of 0, 2x, 4x, 8x & 16x, with nHancer you get the option of Supersampling, Multisampling etc.

Also you can't back things up anywhere near as easily.

I just like to have the redunancy of knowing if i loose my GFX drivers or they corrupt or something i keep my profiles...
Hiya I messed about with my graphics now its acting a bit weird for me and distracting. I tried the nhancer briefly and got this result and now I dont know what I did. I'm going to spend some time today trying to get it to stop flickering and driving me nuts when I play.

I get this weird strobing stripes on the buildings at south city, and people names in the back windows of cars too but on the big sky scrapers in south city its really bad.

Heres some attached screenies, i paused the game and just moved my view very slightly and this is what happens.

The strobing stripes on the buildings flash a lot while racing and its distracting as hell.

* No custom textures right now just for testing purposes ill add those later once the settings are right.

My graphics card is:

nVidia GeForce 6800 series with 92.91 drivers (i think)

8x AA and 16x AF

Any ideas?
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I've seen that before, I know what you mean. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it but will follow with interest. HOWEVER, drivers are at v162.18 so yours are very old. Get the latest ones from here; (they are WinXP drivers).
Quote from horrgakx :I've seen that before, I know what you mean. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it but will follow with interest. HOWEVER, drivers are at v162.18 so yours are very old. Get the latest ones from here; (they are WinXP drivers).

Updated to the 162.18 drivers now, it seems to of undone what I had done to cause the stripes/strobing of the buildings. But its still there to some extent, just, a different type of strobing but it is less distracting while racing. cheers.
Quote from horrgakx :I've seen that before, I know what you mean. Unfortunately I don't know how to fix it but will follow with interest. HOWEVER, drivers are at v162.18 so yours are very old. Get the latest ones from here; (they are WinXP drivers).

New drivers dont always solve problems. I still stuck at 93. something. Nvidia isnt doing any good changes on new drivers nowadays. Normally when they update now its adding new graphics cards.

I use 2x7900GS KO from EVGA in SLI mode. They run like mad, but since the 93. serie i havent seen any progress in drivers from Nvidia. There too busy probably with those Vista drivers for SLI and 8800GTX.

And whats to me more important is what isnt broke dont fix. I meshed around with drivers all the time and it doesnt do any good on your register.

@richy try to drop down on the settings one by one. It seems to me your overdoing it now. That 6800 isnt pulling it together if you ask me.
Yeh new drivers don't solve 100% of issues, but ring any support line and the first question will be "how old are your drivers?".
And in my case updated drivers fixed a BSOD issue, so unless you KNOW that a newer driver works its always well worth a try.
in this case installing any driver would have undone whatever I did to make it do that. so fixing the driver fixed the users noobness in this case.


seems my nvidia 6800 is getting a bit long in the teeth i dont know if i can afford upgrades at all, i bought a power supply about a month ago that I still have to pay off.