The online racing simulator
(39 posts, started )

Poll : XRGT-GTR or no XRGT-GTR

Yes for the inclusion of the XRGT-GTR
No for the inclusion of the XRGT-GTR
I think that to complement the UFGTR and the XFGTR we could use a GT-Racing version of the XRGT.

Keeping with the NA style and philosophy, run the car with no downforce like the other two and keep the same or simmlar displacement but with a racing setup of the engine and race tune.

This occured to me the first time i ran a race with the XF and UFGTR's need of some differences in corner exit and indeed corner entry lines, before every one gets all huffy i do realise that the UF and the XF are very different racing cars but i think some thing of the light weight FR layout would work quite well without disturbing the balance of the other two cars.

The new XRGT-GTR would be something simmilar to the old AE86 N2 championship, an extremey well balenced lightweight NA FR.

Let us know what u think.
Not a bad idea, I thought about it once too. Sort of a mid entry level race car. XR GT would be perfect for that.

And would be cool... the XRR's little brother

It would be really fun to have 3 competititve cars! Voted yes
I'm afraid this just isnt possible. What would its three letter acronym be?
Yeah, great idea! Yes yes yes yes.
Quote from colcob :I'm afraid this just isnt possible. What would its three letter acronym be?

Tricky..... :detective
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Xr_gts.

That's not three letters. You idiot.

Anyway, we've got XRG, XRT and XRR. How about XRS?
How about changing the FZ50 over to a competitive race car in that car?

We allready got 3 different versions of the XR, one more would be overkill imo. Maybe change the RA instead? but then the developers of the car would have to agree first I guess.
i don't like it - although an addition to the 2 car class would be great, i don't think it should be the XR - since we have no GTR version of the RB4, why not make an RBR version that fits into the GT2/GTS class?

a little more powerful/faster than the XFR but also a lot heavier and a lot more thirsty

i think the RB4 deserves a race version as well but 4 different GTR cars aren't really necessary (although i wouldn't mind having 4..) so maybe it could be added to the GTS/GT2 class sometime in the future..
We suspect the RB4 is being left standard until the the rally pack, so there won't ever be a race version of it.
Quote from Bob Smith :We suspect the RB4 is being left standard until the the rally pack, so there won't ever be a race version of it.

that could be a good explanation, although i do not hope it is..
in my eyes, there's no reason in not having a roadrace and a rally version of the same cars. and a rally pack with the kit-car like XF & UF, the RB and an offroad FX should be possible, even if race versions for most of the cars already exist
XRV Maybe? What about XRZ ?
What i would like, is more new cars.

Not re-hash's of old ones.
why DasKlee.. thats like saying that subaru shouldnt have an STi as their rally car because there is one on the roads........ that makes no sense what so ever

honestly i really would love to see this... i mean.. of course like looney said.. rehashes of old ones, yes after a while, but quite honestly... in the end its just another car to play with which is a +

one thing just threw me off though; its RWD.. the slower GTR cars are FWD.. soooo.. i dont think it would really ever happen, since RWD cars dont fry up their wheels like powerfull FWD cars do

great idea.. but.. there would have to be something to limit fairness, or else everyone would be driving that around instead of the FWD cars
Vote for yes!
Would love to see the XR family grow once more!
like i said... i think the main reason the devs made the XF/UF GTR class.. is to get people to drive some FWD cars... rather than hogging up only RWD cars
Quote from XCNuse :honestly i really would love to see this... i mean.. of course like looney said.. rehashes of old ones, yes after a while, but quite honestly... in the end its just another car to play with which is a +

Wait till LFS tweak s2 is released, then you can have the XR_GTS that you want, just without the added "body mods" that the devs can do.

Personally, i don't want to see any more re-hash's of the old cars, im hoping for the "rally pack" and S3 to contain NEW car model's, not a bunch of remade S1/S2 car's.
#19 - mr_x
im hopeless at RWD at the best of times, so i usually only drive FWD or 4WD cars
How about putting slicks on the LX4 instead? Since it is the 2nd least used car ATM, maybe it would help its popularity to change its use?
I like the idea of the XRGT GTR I enjoy the FOX because its like the F08's little brother, and its fun to sometimes let loose in somthing i dont have to be so on edge to drive, there really isnt anything like that for the GTR cars, the road cars come close but they dont have that "race car" feel to them, quite a different form of racing.
It would be very cool, I would drive it
#23 - Woz
If the car was added that class (UFR,XFR) would become far more popular. Just being FDW at the mo limits the popularity the GT GTR would bring more people in because they would be the fastest non downforce class. 3 great cars with v different characters, would give some great races
#24 - JJ72
I would love to drive it, but 4 cars with basically the same car shape...(and especially this carshape) sure.
Quote from XCNuse :why DasKlee.. thats like saying that subaru shouldnt have an STi as their rally car because there is one on the roads........ that makes no sense what so ever

actually i'm saying exactly the opposite.. i can't understand that a possible rally pack should be the reason why we do not have a road-race RB4

(39 posts, started )