I searched for a thread with peoples xbox live usernames who play LFS, but all I found was threads talking about the 360 and how people prefer the PS3. Well I have just signed up to my 1 month gold trial so I can download the pes2008 demo, I have my full 12 month live subscription coming in the post in the next few days along with my copy of Halo 3.
Personally I prefer racing games, and I've got back into Forza 2 recently, but the drivers online seem to be a bit...crap. So I was wondering how many LFS players had xbox live and Forza 2. So I searched, found nothing about it.
So basically post up your xbox live usernames here if you want some LFS quality drivers to race against, or if you need help shooting 12 year old smack talking americans on Halo.
My temp username is QSilver11
Personally I prefer racing games, and I've got back into Forza 2 recently, but the drivers online seem to be a bit...crap. So I was wondering how many LFS players had xbox live and Forza 2. So I searched, found nothing about it.
So basically post up your xbox live usernames here if you want some LFS quality drivers to race against, or if you need help shooting 12 year old smack talking americans on Halo.

My temp username is QSilver11