The online racing simulator
A Skin Upload Website!
(164 posts, started )
#51 - gru
Quote from janwolf :
Only a information When you have firefox you can use right mouse and select Show Image. Tada there is the skin on the server on real size

thats why U should have two buttons
download and view (which is also needed, cause sometimes skins look good only on render )

i think there also should be sorting by popularity (downloads count), cause user rating sometimes lacks

and maybe some info if skin is available for other cars? (skinpacks)

ps. let me know if U have problems with "save as" dialog for jpg files, i have that working on my site
@wheeler: What do you mean with batch?

The integration with LFS is very difficult, because i haven´t informations about the lfs system.
Maybe anybody knows that and i am allowed for that?
The same with LFS WorldChecker. Maybe a developers help??

I need a answer for:
Are the Thumbails too big for a good overview??
I don´t think so but when everyone is saying that, i will change it soon.

Ok, i add a optimize List

Quote :- Copyright
- Fake/Real/Real, but out of Date
- Adding banners, colors etc.
- View/download Finished
- Better presentation
- Filesize (Filesize <= 450 mb describes the size in bytes, right?)Finished

Now you can download skins as file!
Thanks to gru for his explanation

Feedback is welcome!
#54 - gru
Quote from janwolf :@wheeler: What do you mean with batch?

i think He meant posibility to upload few files at once

Quote from janwolf :
I need a answer for:
Are the Thumbails too big for a good overview??
I don´t think so but when everyone is saying that, i will change it soon.

its ok for me, but if U have spare time U can add switch "small/big" thumbnails

one more thing. there is "1. Please select your Skin type by vehicle" option when uploading.
what for? cant U get car type from file name?
Quote from gru :
one more thing. there is "1. Please select your Skin type by vehicle" option when uploading.
what for? cant U get car type from file name?

He can, it shouldn't be a problem if you work with regular expressions
But on the other hand it is a second controlling Process:
For example if you are selecting the wrong skin in Browseoption

Because the Upload Script controls that with regular expressions
#57 - gru
Quote from janwolf :
For example if you are selecting the wrong skin in Browseoption

yes, but one must be really tired to browse completly different car
more possible is to select same car, but wrong skin, and then Your validation fails

i think better idea would be to show user what he uploaded and then let him accept/correct
How do i know if my upload was successful?
You get redirected to your upoladed skin, when upload was successfull.
You forgot to upload an Skin, your Skin file is to big (Bytes), your filename to Short, your image isn´t a valid JPEG/JPG File or you used not allowed characters!

no luck here...i tried everything... i seen sumat tho:

Filename shorter than or equal 20 characters. Only "0-9", "Aa-Zz", "_ -"

could this be stopping c:\user\ and so on? cause they arent a character it it suggests?
Quote from NjHarwood :You forgot to upload an Skin, your Skin file is to big (Bytes), your filename to Short, your image isn´t a valid JPEG/JPG File or you used not allowed characters!

no luck here...i tried everything... i seen sumat tho:

Filename shorter than or equal 20 characters. Only "0-9", "Aa-Zz", "_ -"

could this be stopping c:\user\ and so on? cause they arent a character it it suggests?

No, only the file itself is important.
Is your Skin bigger than 450 kb?
Quote from janwolf :You get redirected to your upoladed skin, when upload was successfull.

Then it didn't work I'll try again.
#63 - gru
how can i edit/delete skin?
there is password when uploading, but where do i put it?

i've uploaded skin, and image is corrupted, want to correct it
Quote from gru :how can i edit/delete skin?
there is password when uploading, but where do i put it?

i've uploaded skin, and image is corrupted, want to correct it

an edit function is not integrated because it´s a bit difficulat to make it user friendly for me, but i will add that soon.
i will correct that
#65 - gru
its not a problem to delete and upload again, so simple delete button will be enough (at least for now)
Quote from gru :its not a problem to delete and upload again, so simple delete button will be enough (at least for now)

some people are against my ideals just because they require 1 or 2 more steps than just having the jpeg file...
i know right click, save as on LFS folder is VERY easy, but very lazy too...


might i suggest accepting zip files too?

accepting zip files is good because:

-Author can include an info and readme file
-Can contain original wheel colors as the author intended
-a 2048x2048 DDS into a zip file is only 100kb against 800kb or even more for the 2048 jpg
-and i my case a nice 150kb zip contains both 512 and 2048 files to select according to performance.
#68 - Gunn
Zip files are a disastrous idea, it has been proven in the past. The admins of the site can't see at a glance if the image is suitable for hosting and is the correct resolution etc. Also malicious people tend to include other "surprises" in zips. It's too work intensive for the people who run the site. Furthermore you rely on people to name the file correctly. LFS skin name prefixes are handy for sorting, searching and categorizing. Zip files will not make the files any smaller either, in some cases they will be bigger.
Quote from Gunn :Zip files are a disastrous idea, it has been proven in the past. The admins of the site can't see at a glance if the image is suitable for hosting and is the correct resolution etc. Also malicious people tend to include other "surprises" in zips. It's too work intensive for the people who run the site. Furthermore you rely on people to name the file correctly. LFS skin name prefixes are handy for sorting, searching and categorizing. Zip files will not make the files any smaller either, in some cases they will be bigger.

I am thinking the same
readme files would be nice but you can add a long description, too

I´ve add new Options
For exampke you are able to delete Skins :P

Feedback please!
I thinking about a new logo, wich is very pregnant and serious. Has anybody good ideas? Maybe previews?
Would be really cool.
Maybe your Skin will used on LFS Skin
#71 - gru
deleting doesnt work for me, but i may type wrong password (i uploaded few times, and i had it "remembered", now im not sure what it was)
so pls delete skin 45, it was just a test

BTW U should check point 10 "Accept terms when you agree" earlier.
when i forget to mark it, im not informed just after submiting, upload proceeds instaid
thats useless bandwidth (uploading twice)

same happens when i forget to add preview pic
Quote from gru :deleting doesnt work for me, but i may type wrong password (i uploaded few times, and i had it "remembered", now im not sure what it was)
so pls delete skin 45, it was just a test (im not skin author)

when i forget to mark it, im not informed just after submiting, upload proceeds instaid, thats useless bandwidth (uploading twice)

Hmmm why it doesnt work?
I tried it and it worked fine :-/
I´ve send you an email before :P

By the way: I am not able to find out your password. It is encrypted :P

I found out, that the md5 encryption encrypt seperate big and small letters. It means, that it is important if you used shift button, or not.

Quote :BTW U should check point 10 "Accept terms when you agree" earlier.

I changed it
Quote from Gunn : Zip files will not make the files any smaller either, in some cases they will be bigger.

That depends on what you put into the zip... obviously if you try to stuff a jpg inside it would be bigger... but it's already proven with my skins... i include both 512 and 2048 fox skins in .dds, along with settings and the file is 150kb.

the malicious part of the zip is a shame... but i'm really picky when it comes to my work... the car "must" go with a specific wheel color. i'd love to publish my work in the webpage but i don't want to post just a 1024x1024 jpg... 2048 jpegs are too big for the website, and i still can't include original wheel colors.
Quote from janwolf :No, only the file itself is important.
Is your Skin bigger than 450 kb?

no larger than 400, bout 370 i think

very strange
#75 - Gunn
Quote from vf1-xj220 :That depends on what you put into the zip... obviously if you try to stuff a jpg inside it would be bigger... but it's already proven with my skins... i include both 512 and 2048 fox skins in .dds, along with settings and the file is 150kb.

the malicious part of the zip is a shame... but i'm really picky when it comes to my work... the car "must" go with a specific wheel color. i'd love to publish my work in the webpage but i don't want to post just a 1024x1024 jpg... 2048 jpegs are too big for the website, and i still can't include original wheel colors.

Why do you feel that 2048 x 2048 is too big for your web page?

A Skin Upload Website!
(164 posts, started )