Ditto, like I've told many people, I'd rather have a 14 year old Miata, and a 12 year old hot-hatch FWD than a new'ish TransAm anyday. I'd put either of mine on a tight track against a new Camaro. The Camaro just can't handle twisties as well, (as it's never really been intended to). Not to bash on them, they're great cars and the new ones aren't total bricks, but compaired to a decent but cheap 2100-2600lb RWD, (or FWD's), they still are. Back on topic though..
I'm also noting the locked diff's in the "good" LFS setups, and it's screwy, especially in the FWD's. A FWD with a locked diff shouldn't beat one with a LSD, around corners. I wonder if they're planning on working on the modelling of that any more?, or if I'm just waay off base. (seeing as I haven't actualy driven a real FWD with a locked diff, lmao) In theory, it's just not right though.. and due to this, when I run somebodies good FWD LFS setup, I get rid of their locked diff, just seems wrong to me. Personally, after a few laps, I can run nearly identical times with the two - though I am still a n00b, and I am driving on a joystick for now.