nor was it available for the first qualifying session
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed molestie facilisis neque. Aliquam egestas orci ac ipsum. Morbi luctus est in dolor consectetuer pretium. Fusce ultricies ligula et massa. Vestibulum nunc mauris, consectetuer id, adipiscing vitae, posuere lacinia, quam. Nam tincidunt lacinia erat. Pellentesque condimentum tristique mauris. Nam laoreet magna at enim. Fusce interdum magna sit amet lectus. In consequat lectus vitae metus. Nunc non nunc et tortor ornare mattis. Etiam ut mi. Praesent molestie. Sed vel eros sit amet augue ultrices semper. Fusce nonummy laoreet est. Sed et orci et diam iaculis rhoncus.
Typical that it appeared round about when i gave up looking, spent ages trying to get the damn thing working and when it was working no MoE server so i spent a couple of minutes watching n00bs going round on some random server.
i am the n! server admin. all infos about the server are send to phil. i think phil is the one to set the server for relay. (into the lfsworld)