On the subject of cows, Kangaroo's have an almost identical diet but they dont fart. They have 5 or 6 extra enzyms in their gut and scientists are working on a way to introduce whichever enzym breaks down the methane into cows. So we'll all be eating geneitically modified cows some day, mind you, if anyones ever eaten a McDonalds burger they're already familiar with the taste of cow + extra bits so that is nothing new...
As for global warming, we know the Earth has 5 heat states, we're currently in the middle and most comfortable one, Humans can live in the middle 3 states. We're heading for a hotter state, the question is whether the Earth carries on and gets to its hottest state.
Why are there heat 'states' as opposed to a generally higher or lower average temperature? Well because when it gets hot enough the Earth basically terraforms, it changes dramatically and its quite sudden when it happens. When the Earth reaches a certain point it will enter a hotter and phase and we'll all be getting food aid from Africa along with a note saying "who's laughing now, white boy".
Can we do anything to stop or change this cycle? Ultimately no, the Earth is more powerful than us and our society prevents us from acting with the unification and single minded dedication to make it happen.
Will global warming be the biggest threat to future generations? No. Humans can live in hotter environments, I look out of my rain swept conservatory and think of Africa here.
In the future will some bastard assume dictatoral powers and press his subjects as slaves into wars and torture? You bet. We're human after all.
Did God create Humanity in his image? Depends how arrogant you are.
Is all carbon dating fundamentally flawed? Depends on if you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Any other questions? Or shall we just settle on 42.