The online racing simulator
Help Stig be competitive!
(25 posts, started )
Help Stig be competitive!
Hey guys.

When racing online I pretty much only use the XFG, I just can't drive the XRT any way but sideways so I only use it for RallyX and Dorifto. Being a demo noob, I'm obviously at BL1. I'm constantly seeing people run in the 1:34 range and can't for the life of me figure out how. The best I do is high 1:37's but it's usually in the 1:39 range.

Today I ran five laps for you to see, can you help me figure out where those 3-4 seconds are hiding? Any obvious consistant problems with my lines?

What RPM should I be shifting at? I usually go when the shift light tells me to. Where should I launch? I can't seem to find that either, I either spin the hell out of 1st gear or bog down. (Yes in the vid I did launch in reverse.. that doesn't usually happen).
well replay would be better,coz not much we can see like this.But what i saw in it,Bl1 has like 4 turns,thats where u loose 4 sec
U really have to use the side thingy(forgot the name of it) on the track.
wow?? is your gfx card artefacting?

I still remember when i bought this 6600GT new it happend me too..
But there was a option called Hardware or something.. u have to turn it on.. But im not sure if its still there because i cant find it anymore.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :wow?? is your gfx card artefacting?

I still remember when i bought this 6600GT new it happend me too..
But there was a option called Hardware or something.. u have to turn it on.. But im not sure if its still there because i cant find it anymore.

It's workin on it

Looks a lot better usually, but the free recording software didn't help for the video making

(ATi Raedon 9600 Pro)
Okay first really big mistake you are making is you are turning way to much with your wheel and breaking traction. You will know when you do this as the tyre noise will change from a scrubbing noise to a more squeel like noise...and you leave pretty skid marks Only thing this will do is slow you down and loose all front end grip and that is not what you are after in front wheel drive

Not so sure on your setup you are using so i have attached my one which is not super sonic but i find easy enough to drive into the 33's. Also you can try for setups aswell.

Watch the WR i attached as well and you will be able to see the most extreme brake points and speeds managed around the corners so you can get an idea what to aim for. Trust me no one is going to do a lap like that over night! So just keep trying and working up to what you see in the replay. You can stick this replay in your LFS/spr/ folder.

You can also pick up the lines that are different and the brake and throttle control aswell because this makes a huge difference aswell.

I reckon give this a quick go and then save us a replay, press 2 after you have done a lap, valid or not. You will find it in your LFS/spr/ folder under what you called it. Then we can give you some more detailed suggestions on your driving.

Best of luck, hope to see your times improve soon!
Attached files
XF GTI_BLGP.set - 132 B - 300 views
PartyBoyU_BL1_XFG_132940.spr - 113.4 KB - 254 views
#6 - bbman
Quote from cmckowen :...

He asked for help with the XRG...

Anyway, I can't see your braking point from the video, but you're turning in WAAAYYY too early, then crank steering almost to max, that way understeering and scrubbing off speed until the back end coming saves you from understeering off the track and you still manage not to use all the track on the exit of some corners...

After that, make sure you got just enough fuel in the tank to make the lap...
#7 - bbman
Erm... yeah... my bad...
Try one thing: reset your braking points to earlier times, corner with just a maximum 1/4 of wheel turn, aim for the apex and use all the width of the track. Keep doing that as you brake later and later, until you reach the limit.

Oh, and use that curbs.
Stig you remind me of someone. Did you ever play ToCA 3?
at 1:37's+,u'd better watch wr's reply, can learn a lot from it!
Quote from cmckowen :Okay first really big mistake you are making is you are turning way to much with your wheel and breaking traction. You will know when you do this as the tyre noise will change from a scrubbing noise to a more squeel like noise...and you leave pretty skid marks Only thing this will do is slow you down and loose all front end grip and that is not what you are after in front wheel drive

Not so sure on your setup you are using so i have attached my one which is not super sonic but i find easy enough to drive into the 33's. Also you can try for setups aswell.

Watch the WR i attached as well and you will be able to see the most extreme brake points and speeds managed around the corners so you can get an idea what to aim for. Trust me no one is going to do a lap like that over night! So just keep trying and working up to what you see in the replay. You can stick this replay in your LFS/spr/ folder.

You can also pick up the lines that are different and the brake and throttle control aswell because this makes a huge difference aswell.

I reckon give this a quick go and then save us a replay, press 2 after you have done a lap, valid or not. You will find it in your LFS/spr/ folder under what you called it. Then we can give you some more detailed suggestions on your driving.

Best of luck, hope to see your times improve soon!

Awsome, thanks you. I'll try it asap!

Quote from Nitrofurano :Try one thing: reset your braking points to earlier times, corner with just a maximum 1/4 of wheel turn, aim for the apex and use all the width of the track. Keep doing that as you brake later and later, until you reach the limit.

Oh, and use that curbs.

Hmm, I'll give it a shot.

Quote from lizardfolk :Stig you remind me of someone. Did you ever play ToCA 3?

I must have a twin then, cuz that wasn't me
Quote from thestig99 :

I must have a twin then, cuz that wasn't me

Alright then, ignore my comment Sorry I just knew a guy from T3R team that plays ToCA named Stig
There are 33 people registered on LfSW with "stig" in their licence name, about 5-7 who weren't obviously referring to the TG race driver, so pick one...

You'd think people would choose more original names when they know they can't change it afterwards... :rolleyes:
Alright gave it a shot turning the wheel less. Didn't really help

I was also using my own setup here as Owens didn't help much either..

I've attached my setup and a replay for you
Attached files
#1 1^c38.spr - 83.4 KB - 200 views
XF GTI_Better Race.set - 132 B - 195 views
you missed the apex of a few corners there. And you didn't get a good run across the start line when you started your lap, and you didn't even complete a valid lap.

I think you could easily do a 1:36 if you just pracitce more at being consistant. Slow down and you will go faster (if you know what i mean). You are trying to hard, relax. Don't make mistakes, they cost you a lot of time. missing an apex will likely cost you 1 second or more. also running onto the dirt costs about 1 second.

Did you watch the world record replay?

Here is a little guide of how I drive XFG on blackwood:

1) coming across the start line you should be doing 140km/h (87mph).

2)Turn 1: Brake at exactly 100m. I have had a lot of practice and can now brake at 80-90m, but you should aim for 100-110m. After you hit the apex at turn one its full throttle through the chicane. Don't life off (you are). It is very important to get a good exit out of the chicane, as this give you a good run down the back straight.

3)The turn after the back straight. Brake at about 120-125m. Don't turn in too late and miss the apex. Cut the apex and use full power after the apex.

4) the right and left turn: you did these very well.

5) The right turn (2nd to last corner): brake at 60m

6) final turn: don't brake here, just lift off the throttle for a bit.
Quote from bbman :
You'd think people would choose more original names when they know they can't change it afterwards... :rolleyes:

Like mine ?
I did 5 laps for you on the combo.I swear i havent been on this 1 for 2 years,but i think it will be helping you a lil,even tho my lines are not perfect.Watch the replay,than try the set
EDIT: forgot to tell,turn off the abs or whatever it called, brake help
Attached files
XF GTI_Bl gp.set - 132 B - 252 views
e2mustang_BL1_XFG_13400.spr - 252.5 KB - 183 views
hehe... Hello from a friendly face
If I could figure out a time that I could be on a server with you, I would give you a bunch of tips and show you a few tricks
Quote from word. :you missed the apex of a few corners there. And you didn't get a good run across the start line when you started your lap, and you didn't even complete a valid lap.

I think you could easily do a 1:36 if you just pracitce more at being consistant. Slow down and you will go faster (if you know what i mean). You are trying to hard, relax. Don't make mistakes, they cost you a lot of time. missing an apex will likely cost you 1 second or more. also running onto the dirt costs about 1 second.

Did you watch the world record replay?

Here is a little guide of how I drive XFG on blackwood:

1) coming across the start line you should be doing 140km/h (87mph).

2)Turn 1: Brake at exactly 100m. I have had a lot of practice and can now brake at 80-90m, but you should aim for 100-110m. After you hit the apex at turn one its full throttle through the chicane. Don't life off (you are). It is very important to get a good exit out of the chicane, as this give you a good run down the back straight.

3)The turn after the back straight. Brake at about 120-125m. Don't turn in too late and miss the apex. Cut the apex and use full power after the apex.

4) the right and left turn: you did these very well.

5) The right turn (2nd to last corner): brake at 60m

6) final turn: don't brake here, just lift off the throttle for a bit.

Quote from e2mustang :I did 5 laps for you on the combo.I swear i havent been on this 1 for 2 years,but i think it will be helping you a lil,even tho my lines are not perfect.Watch the replay,than try the set
EDIT: forgot to tell,turn off the abs or whatever it called, brake help

Excellent. I'll try these after school

Quote from skstibi :hehe... Hello from a friendly face
If I could figure out a time that I could be on a server with you, I would give you a bunch of tips and show you a few tricks

Now that would be sweet . I have no life so I'm pretty much open any time between 3:15pm and 5:30pm and 7-9:30, eastern time. Dunno how that works out with your timezone over there
Apex later,

that is to say go in wider and slower to get on the power sooner, on the corner exit you will find you have more room. Less steering lock, smoother steering movements, and smooth out your brake throttle and throttle brake transitions to keep the rear stable.
Quote from thestig99 :The best I do is high 1:37's but it's usually in the 1:39 range... can you help me figure out where those 3-4 seconds are hiding? Any obvious consistant problems with my lines?

those 3 to 4 seconds are hiding, but not very far from you.

you are driving very aggressive. you want to take that corner faster than you ever have before. you want to be on the gas as much as you can, and brake as hard as is possible for that car. you want to steer just right and come as close to the curbs as possible. you want to drive the car the way you think is fastest.

reconsider, using these thoughts:

to get the best possible time, you have to eliminate your errors as much as possible.

once you are in 1:34s, you will be on the same line every lap.

how the weight of the car is located, and more importantly WHEN, is critical to the corner unfolding in front of you, instead of you fighting to find the corner.

to reach the times:

-drive slower
-focus on keeping the car absolutely on line, be willing to lose speed to keep on the right position
-do everything smoothly, no sudden braking rather ease on to brake, then hard brake at 100%
-minimize (best is 0) the time between the end of your braking and the start of throttle. at the limit, the end of your braking is doing a big job of turning the car in.
-get on the brakes a bit early, make sure you stay on the brakes late, right up to apex. it is better to fail to use 100% brakes than to let off the brakes before apex, because the all-important weight balance moves off the front tires and toward the rear as soon as you reduce brakes.
-be at 100% throttle BEFORE the apex. you have chosen a front wheel drive car, that means you want to pull the weight of the car around the bend to maximize your cornering speed. notice this also means you better enter the corner slower than you think, to make really sure you don't have to let go of the throttle to avoid the grass or steer too hard and screech your tires.


where the seconds you want are relative to your youtube video:

T1 - hairpin / chicane combo
T2 - fast right hand at end of straight
T3 - uphill chicane
T4 - right hander before start/finish
T5 - uphill left hander before start/finish

start of lap:
T4 - not 100% throttle at apex, reduces speed into T5
T5 - not enough throttle. only a slight lift is enough to get the front of the car pointed at the apex. not 100% throttle at apex

total loss: 1.5 - 2.0 seconds. you lose speed all the way to hairpin

T1 - first actual turn of a lap, but affected by your previous T4 and T5. brake too early. time lapse between braking and throttle. not 100% throttle at apex.

total loss: 1 - 1.5 seconds. again loss of speed all the way down straight.

T2 - brake too early. not enough throttle to pull car through corner faster than it would normally go at tire limit

total loss: .25 - .5

T3 - missing first apex. this makes a pronounced S line that your car follows, giving you a fight to stick the car through the left hand turn. earlier turn-in and 100% throttle can pull the car in a straighter line up the hill between the apex, making less fight for the tires to turn and giving more for the car to power up the big hill. I have found using SHIFT-U and walking around, looking at this chicane from different places and different zoom levels helps see how it is built on a hill and where to aim your car.

total loss: .5 - 1.0

T4 - brake too early. not pulling car through apex enough

total loss: .2

T5 - the hardest corner. done properly, you exit from T4 on the bumpy dark green rumble strip in a big smooth right-hand arc. This means the weight of the car is steady and heavy on the left of the car. keep this arc until past the half-way point across the tarmac to the right verge. smooooooooth transition to straight steering then left steering, putting weight steady and heavy on to the right hand side of car. begin this steering left without letting off the gas. this is hard!! at this point you should be looking at the grass and thinking "oh sh1+ I'm going off". THEN lift but only just enough to make the front bite more so you avoid the grass. this makes the weight, already steady on the right side, move to the front right. at the same time, DING! back on throttle smooth but hard, this will pull the front of the car toward the apex, then on power through, just brushing the curb on the right hand. Make sure car is pointed along curb or just to the right before reaching this right hand curb. Like the previous chicane, you want to go as straight as possible up the hill, not some crazy S slalom with heavy screech.

total loss: .5 (because the start finish is coming soon. but time is again lost for next lap up until hairpin)


so there it is, blackwood is unforgiving, but once you start driving smooth and feel the car shifting from left to right, only steer once per corner, brake once per corner and throttle once per corner, it will get easier.

enough will all the technical stuff

want to know what made me improve the fastest? pick some laps, say 15, then try to do a 15 lap race in under 24 minutes (or whatever is just a bit less than your actual time) drive with these prorities and I promise fast laps will seem much easier after the 4th race:

1) drive so fricking slow you are guaranteed to finish the race

2) do anything, sacrifice anything to stay on the line. slow down rather than stay on the gas and steer hard to get yourself out of trouble.

3) stay on the brakes until the apex. start earlier, it's ok! the 3rd race or so you will be on the brakes early and think "hey I know this corner, this is the same line I've been on 20 times. I know I can brake 10% for the first 20 feet then brake solid and I will not miss the apex".

4) any time you feel tight or stressed, breathe deep, turn down your force feedback, steer with your finger tips, decide consciously to go 4% slower for a whole lap, because you are so quick you can afford to be cautious.

this was longer than I thought. but I tried to keep it as short as possible. I hope it helps you get your 1:34 after watching your youtube vid, I know you can
Wow, that was long.. and excellent!

It's been a couple busy days so I haven't really had time to try this stuff out

Here I am ready to head on and give it a shot. Too bad I hyper-extended (or whatever the term is) my right ankle yesterday landing my bike wrong, so now lifting my right foot is a major PITA.

Hopefully tomorrow...
one thing i have noticed, which may help you like it helped me, was try racing on some random track configurations that you have never tried before. i tend to stick to the same tracks, and if you get into bad habits you may keep doing the same thing over and over. i felt like trying new tracks made me find the limits of my car again because maybe i didn't know how tight the turn coming up was and i overshot it. this isn't something i'd do normally because i know how fast i want to take every corner on a track i know, even if maybe i could take it just a little faster. once i went back to a familiar track after doing about 20 laps on other tracks, i felt like i was running consistently faster than i was before.

maybe this just means i wasn't pushing the car hard enough in the first place, but i think this method gets you to feel the car more rather than just memorizing how fast you need to take every corner on a particular track. you definitely need to know a track layout to get fast times, but i think you having a good feeling for the car you are driving is the most important part.
Quote from UncleBenny :one thing i have noticed, which may help you like it helped me, was try racing on some random track configurations that you have never tried before.

Very good point. He could try.... umm.... maybe..... Blackwood for a change

Psst, note, he is demo, thus doesn't have much choice in "random track config."

Very good point though for any others who find themselves "stuck". I found that if I leave a particular combo that I've been running for some time, then come back later, PB's come frequently for a while.
haha, sorry didn't notice he was demo

Help Stig be competitive!
(25 posts, started )