The online racing simulator
Quote from travbrad :Can someone link me to the ATI bug reporting? I'm having trouble finding on their site.

Just noticed the 5.13s are out, hopefully these will fix the problem, downloading now.

No, they wont, the 5.13's show the same performance hit as the 5.12 did.

Ive just built my xmas pressie (well some of it was ) including an x850 PCIex card and have the same low fps issues with cat 5.12 no probs with 5.11 what so ever . 3D Mard 2001 (dx8.1) shows increase by 2500 points with newer driver .
When running LFS with new driver testing , I noticed in options / Graphics with HW vertex shading on the fps takes an even bigger hit if "simple track" is set to anything other than off

Ive also been reading the forums at as I know they are read by some of the driver team at ATI and I will be posting about this prob there as soon as I have some more time .
I will be testing omega 5.12's this evening and will report back if I find they work any better.
EDIT : Omega drivers have the same bug
the Team ATi guys sent the messege in for me. so... thats at least 2 ATi people that had have of our problem?
Quote from travbrad :Can someone link me to the ATI bug reporting? I'm having trouble finding on their site.

Just noticed the 5.13s are out, hopefully these will fix the problem, downloading now.

report ATI driver issues here ... surveyID=486&type=web

everyone please if you have this exact problem report it , and we will get a fixed driver sooner

Hi, I've just sent that form to ATI filled up completely. How many of you have done the same?
I use omega drivers.
^ I tried the omega drivers, and they had the same horrible performance...

Quote from iHomer :Hi, I've just sent that form to ATI filled up completely. How many of you have done the same?

I just did
Good, I hope things keep moving on so we can finally impulse ATI to fix that damn issue If ATI successes to fix the problem... whenever they do... I will finally buy the game. I've finally earnt some money this christmas, losing my holydays but I've got something to live with so...
Hey guys, I too just bought a x850xt 256 meg AGP. Same crap since 5.12's. I have tried everything. I also have HT enabled w/ my 3.0c. Hopefully we can resolve this. I will visit some of those links.
If you have a few minutes spare, please can you try the new drivers (the ones that cause your slowdown) but with mirrors switched off. It's a hunch we need to check out - if the slowdown is related to drawing the mirror texture. We'll know that's the case if the new and old drivers perform just the same as each other when mirrors are off.

We need the results of that test over in the other thread :
I have tried turning mirrors off. Unfortunately it did not fix the problem

I was getting 130 fps+ with 5.11 drivers, with 5.13 I get 15-20fps!

I have a x800 XL 256MB AGP. I have opened a ticket with ATI, I urge everyone to do so too. I just wish there was a severity rating that I could set to critical
Quote from SparkyDave :report ATI driver issues here ... surveyID=486&type=web

everyone please if you have this exact problem report it , and we will get a fixed driver sooner


support form filled out... i'm running x800 xt and am having same problem.

i don't know why everyone is so ready to jump down either companies throat. the bug has not been found yet... it's either ATI or Live for Speed. time will tell. hopefully we get a fix soon.
Quote from cohagen :support form filled out... i'm running x800 xt and am having same problem.

i don't know why everyone is so ready to jump down either companies throat. the bug has not been found yet... it's either ATI or Live for Speed. time will tell. hopefully we get a fix soon.

Errr.....if you havent been following it, there is another thread in the general section, it has been identified as a problem with the ATI driver, infact, someone from ATI has posted in that thread, it will be fixed in the 6.2/6.3's apparently, but I am hoping for a hotfix before then.

Quote from danowat :Errr.....if you havent been following it, there is another thread in the general section, it has been identified as a problem with the ATI driver, infact, someone from ATI has posted in that thread, it will be fixed in the 6.2/6.3's apparently, but I am hoping for a hotfix before then.


Thanks Dan for the info. Crossing my fingers for a fix because I need to do some driving!
Ati 6.1 drivers ready for download but there is not a single pointing to the LFS problem, not under the fixed issues and not in the known issues...

I'm looking forward to seeing it somewhere (fixed or not) in the 6.2 release notes.
One more with this problem

Very poor FPS with my Ati X800 XT PE

My system is also HT enabled
P4 3.0Ghz HT FSB800 512k L2 Cache
Msi 865PE Neo2 FIS2R
4x512 Kingston
it runs ok for me. it almost never goes below 60fps. I have an X800GTO agp (flashed to x800xl 16 pipes ) running with fastwrite and fastread on. i'm using the latest drivers. but i used the old cp instead of the new one.
6.1 doesn't fix the problem for me.

I've had this response from ATI after raising a ticket:

Solution: We have seen this issue in our labs and it will be fixed
in a future driver release. In the meantime, please use Catalyst 5.11.

I will ask them which future version of the drivers they expect to include a fix for this problem, but everyone who has this problem should raise a ticket, hopefully it will bump it up in their priority list.
Its expeted in 6.2 ( fix)
release date should be in about 12 days .

Yeah, and in the meantime I have had to drop back to the 5.11's AGAIN just for the ESL tomorrow night.
