I boutht a S2 license last week. But I bouht that again accidently, it's s1 upgrade to s2 voucher, I sell it for 25 Australia DOLLAR, or 50 australia dollar for S1+S1 to S2 voucher.
contact detail: lin-zheng@msn.com
If i understand what you mean correctly, you bought an S2 license aswell as a S1 to S2 ungrade? You could try contacting LFS on the normal LFS page to try and get a refund for one of them? Theres no point in paying twice.
Yes. Internally the voucher code "S1 to S2 upgrade" doesn't have any special properties attached to it - it is actually just a fancy way of saying "£12". If you use it, you'll just have an extra £12 on your LFS license account, which can later once S3 is released be used to unlock it (assuming that S3 will be released and cost the same as S1 or S1-to-S2). Or you can use the money for hi-res skins or something. Buying and using the different voucher codes really doesn't do anything else than adding money to your account. You could also buy two S1 licenses and unlock S2 with that
Nobody knows what S3 will contain or when it will come out, just one thing is sure; when trying to estimate the S3 release date, the common unit of measurement is years, not months. And please keep in mind, that at least according to the original development plan, S3 will be the last and final version of LFS.
What I absolutely don't understand is people throwing a hissy fit about the outrageously large amount of money that is £12. Come on, that's the average cost of one night out with your friends, with the difference that LFS provides fun for years and doesn't end with a hangover. I guess actually paying for software is still a new concept to some guys out there, explaining why amounts you otherwise don't think a second about spending suddenly are a huge problem.
don't start like that with me - you don't know anything about how and on what I spend my money. I don't compare the price to one night out because it's a completely different thing. I compare the price to what I get for it: a racing game that looks like 2002 and has exactly NOTHING but a decent physics-engine.
... for 24£ so far. that's pricey, my friend, considering the fact that you can get other racing games which look and sound better and are only a bit less realistic physics-wise for less than that because they're outdated.
and then there's another point of view: the relation of the devs' efforts and costs to the game price. 3 people, no business infrastructur except for the internet-site, no license-costs, no advertising, no packing, no disc-production...
all things other companies have to pay for.
and then you imply LFS is cheap, or what?
But I don't blame the devs - it's perfectly ok to decrease the production-costs. I just think a very large part of the community wears rose-tinted glasses.
When buying entertainment software, you pay for the entertainment. And somehow the 4 devs (dont forget Geraldine ) get that far more right than other teams of a few hundred people...
of course that is a certain value. but you don't pay your x-times 12£ for that.
that's like buying an (overpriced) car - let's say a Masturbati (*) - and then seeing the benefit of it in the ability to join Masturbati-clubs and have Masturbati-weekends and Masturbati-meetings and so on.
is that the Masturbati-company's achievement? don't think so.
If Masturbati-ing clubs get you off, why not.. Tbh, I think that to be able to get a race (even if it's not the perfect combo) at almsot any time of the day is worth the extra money. I also got a WoW account, cost more one-off and has a periodic subscription fee, 2 million players and I still can't get action at night. Accessibility is not overrated, imo.
I would now try to argue your point, but I get the feeling that you simply don't understand LFS, how it works and what it's supposed to be, so I will spare myself the effort.
Why must everything be an arguement about the cost of LFS. It's expensive to some and cheap to others. It's just the way it is. Someone in the US coming to LFS for the first time in the future S3 generation for $75 would be outragous. Other areas, it isn't. To someone making $100,000 a year, it is cheap. To others making a more common $20,000 a year, it is outragous. It's about time the world realizes that there is a broad range of monetary incomes around the world and not everyone views value the same.
Jeez, the guy asks an honest question about selling an upgrade he accidentally duplicated and it gets jumped on and turned into another "Is LFS worth the money" row! Some of you guys are amazing. Closed. Go pick fights on some other forum.