The online racing simulator
boot controllers or tuning
(35 posts, started )
#1 - mik22
boot controllers or tuning

i was wondering if it would be a good idea to have like a seperate area in the pits where we could tune when the boost comes on, or set the boost at different levels as i think this could be another way to make races more intersting where we all have the same cars but its the tuning you do that decides..

meh who cares just another idea i suppose
#2 - Panda
its been brought up a million times. ultimately it comes down to how you drive. no amount of tuning could ever make up for pure skill, well maybe abit....
And where would limiting the turbo pressure or down-tuning the engine give you advantage at? Useless feature if you ask me. Everyone would just max the power, or use the best setting for each track.
I for one would like the option to turn down the boost from full to none as an additional handicap.

Of course that's mainly becuase I want to drive a non-turbo RAC.
Quote from Shinomori :I for one would like the option to turn down the boost from full to none as an additional handicap.

Of course that's mainly becuase I want to drive a non-turbo RAC.

a non-turbo rac would probably lose to a uf1!!! its a terrible car, turbo or no turbo! but that idea would probably not work, as was said earlier it would be turned up full for everyone.
It's not a terrible car, it just takes some skill to operate properly - like a sports car should
but its just too slow taking off and too drifty around bends! personally i much prefer the way the ufr actually turns faster when you floor it around a bend. its so godam cool!!!
YA!111 I no!!11 Fl00r1ng 1z c00l.
LOL, you go BBT

GT4 physics FTW!!!!!! illepall
#10 - Woz
Quote from dougie-lampkin :but its just too slow taking off and too drifty around bends! personally i much prefer the way the ufr actually turns faster when you floor it around a bend. its so godam cool!!!

Rac is fine. Its light and chuckable if you know what you are doing. You just have to be very careful with weight transfer and car balance.

BTW: Have you seen what happens to a turbo cars when they loose the turbo? Topgear did a demo with the 400bhp lancer (I think it was this car, big big turbo) and a bottom of the range hatch-back. Both standing start in high gear, both floored it and no downshifts or spooling allowed. The now non-turbo was was left behind. No turbo = no go in most cases.
uhm well do you see that if you could tune when you want more tourque or when yu want the boost to come on, everyone has differnt settings.
it would make fuel usage more efficent too
I love mid-engined cars. I drive 2 different ones almost daily and hope to add a 3rd when I come into some more $.

I can't stand turbos. Too unresponsive. Too "floor it and hold on".

If the RAC had a Supercharger instead of a turbo or a NA it would probably be my favorite car in the game.

(The RAC is fun as hell w/ about a 45% intake restriction. Light; tossable; responsive; and no random ass surge of power to upset the balance. I'd just rather remove all boost than do an intake restrictor to get it there.)
GAHHHH, don't get me started on turbo-chargers in LFS. I just got back from trying the XFR, holy mother of gawd. Turbo-lag up the ass....SIDEWAYS. If it didn't have good top-end I wouldn't drive the damn thing at all. The XRR is decent, but still doesn't drive like the FZR, smooth power everywhere. As for an actual boost controller, I don't see why we would use them, most people would just cope with max boost pressure, because most power. Just gotta learn to keep it under control. I could see RAISING boost on the RB4, it just doesn't have enough balls an AWD turbo-charged car should have.
nice one you demo cracker
/snide comment revoked due to unawareness of tricky demo account users that have a license
dropin, how exactly are you so familiar with S2 cars? Do we have to break out a :bananadea ?

edit: just saw your post in the main section. Guess your status hasn't been updated yet. Welcome to license-land :up:
#17 - Jakg
Quote from mik22 :nice one you demo cracker

He's got S2, just been given an old account, and so uses the account everyone knows him on the forum.

Quote from dropin_biking :I just got back from trying the XFR, holy mother of gawd. Turbo-lag up the ass....SIDEWAYS

It's a non-turbo FWD

Even if you double the fuel usage for an extra 50 hp it will easily be worth it Can't see the point in this tbh

My "individual setting" will be the best per track, which will usually be as most power as possible, like everyone else.
I think he wrote FXR wrong (seeing the rest of his post)
Quote from Shinomori :I love mid-engined cars. I drive 2 different ones almost daily and hope to add a 3rd when I come into some more $.

I can't stand turbos. Too unresponsive. Too "floor it and hold on".

If the RAC had a Supercharger instead of a turbo or a NA it would probably be my favorite car in the game.

(The RAC is fun as hell w/ about a 45% intake restriction. Light; tossable; responsive; and no random ass surge of power to upset the balance. I'd just rather remove all boost than do an intake restrictor to get it there.)

I highly agree. The turbo lag in the RAC is just unbearable. Surely in real life if it was a race car, it would have been modded with a part (cant think of the name) wich helps prevent turbo lag.
#20 - Jakg
It's not a race car, it's a small time sports car...
Ahh sorry for the mixup boys. I can either stick with this acount, or use the stupid 'Irish Man' acount, and seeing as I'm already in the comunity as a demo user I'd keep it with S2. My status will stay demo (and I get ripped off an 'effing avater, I'm PISSED) But yeah, I did mean the FXR, silly mistake. I've become fond of the Fern Bay course
PS: Yo BBT, what'd you say about me before you edited your post... Don't make me go hippie-stoner bong-ninja on yo' ass
Quote from Woz :Rac is fine. Its light and chuckable if you know what you are doing. You just have to be very careful with weight transfer and car balance.

BTW: Have you seen what happens to a turbo cars when they loose the turbo? Topgear did a demo with the 400bhp lancer (I think it was this car, big big turbo) and a bottom of the range hatch-back. Both standing start in high gear, both floored it and no downshifts or spooling allowed. The now non-turbo was was left behind. No turbo = no go in most cases.

To clarify, EVO VIII FQ-400 vs. a 1,6 diesel Stilo (estate). top gear (sixth and fifth i presume), 30 or 40 MPH and floor it on the mark. The EVO lost since they ran out of the runway just as it was getting the boost.
Quote from dropin_biking :PS: Yo BBT, what'd you say about me before you edited your post... Don't make me go hippie-stoner bong-ninja on yo' ass

I said that you should've spent some of all that weed money on a license, so you could post things like that without getting banned


As for the latter part... you and what army?

OT: as for the question you asked me last month but I was too lazy to answer: the people in AB are really friendly; I've lived here most of my life (with a brief stint in Nanaimo) compared to anywhere else in this country. They talk to you when you talk to them, unlike BC or ON Maybe it's because we get lots of free money, and don't pay an extra 7% on everything like certain sucker provinces
Quote from Shinomori :II can't stand turbos. Too unresponsive. Too "floor it and hold on".

That's a crock of steaming hippo poop, 100%. Lag is so minimal on a modern turbo engine you barely know that it's a turbo for all intents and purposes.

The turbo issues in LFS are silly, but real life is nothing like that - at least not in this decade.

There, a 2.0L with similar boost to (edit: actually more than) an LFS car. Crappy quality vid, but you can see just how fast boost response should be for engines similar to the ones in the LFS road cars.

Turbochargers are the most efficient cost effective way of getting usable power out of an engine, with minimal parasitic drag.

edit: another one, this is 20lbs. Note how fast it goes from vac to 20lbs, and tell me that's lag! :rolleyes:
#25 - Woz
Quote from Primoz :To clarify, EVO VIII FQ-400 vs. a 1,6 diesel Stilo (estate). top gear (sixth and fifth i presume), 30 or 40 MPH and floor it on the mark. The EVO lost since they ran out of the runway just as it was getting the boost.

Just shows what happens to turbo cars though when boost is gone. A 1.6 Diesel can beat a 400bhp car if the monster car is a turbo and the turbo is not spooled.

I dumped on a WRX at a set of light in my Mini once. He didnt realise I was going to race him so had not spooled. By the time he realised I heard screaming engine and the dump valve going but by then the road was single lane again and he had lost. One angry WRX driver with a car full of mates taking the pi** out of him

boot controllers or tuning
(35 posts, started )