The online racing simulator
Try to host a Dedi server (need Help)
(35 posts, started )
Try to host a Dedi server (need Help)

I just needed help at Hosting my own DEDI server.

I opened ports a year ago for LFS so i think that i dont have to do it again.

Anyway. It says that the server is online. But i dont see the server in the list nor can i join it via "join specifike server"

It's a S2 server.
Anyway.. if you think that it is because the ports. i forgot that port site stupid me

Can someone test it? it is online now

Thank you

EDIT : When i try to join it via "join specificke game" it says connecting to server after that it stops.
Is it because I use the same PC?
Good news with Bad news in it

Anyway.. i fixed my server. It come's in the list.. I see it But cant join
I thought that it was because the DEDI was running on the same machine. I asked my nephew to join he cant also join...

This is what we both see

Have you opened both TCP and UDC (something like that) sockets in your router port forwarding?

It is in the list everything is done.. It only says could not get guest info or something

well i received that message recently, and i found that the problem was my router was blocking UCD ports (i think its ucd, its similar anyway) so i just opened it and it now works fine! check with your administrator/isp if you cant get it to work.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :well i received that message recently, and i found that the problem was my router was blocking UCD ports (i think its ucd, its similar anyway) so i just opened it and it now works fine! check with your administrator/isp if you cant get it to work.

I really cant follow you anymore? what do you mean with administrator /isp?
Contact whoever manages your internet. Usually whoever you pay the bill to.

what should i say to them??

"Hello (internet provider)

I have a little net problem on my pc/connection.

I try to host a dedicated host of the game live for speed.
But it says 'could not receive guest info' can you please fix it?

im running patch X10 of lfs"

Quote from Takumi_lfs :hmmm..

what should i say to them??

"Hello (internet provider)

I have a little net problem on my pc/connection.

I try to host a dedicated host of the game live for speed.
But it says 'could not receive guest info' can you please fix it?

im running patch X10 of lfs"


have you tried skipping the router? (ie plug the router's input into your pc) if it still dosnt work then it probably wont work on your connection.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :have you tried skipping the router? (ie plug the router's input into your pc) if it still dosnt work then it probably wont work on your connection.

oww... that's bad..

im 100% sure that i made a mistake on here, and there isnt really anything wrong with my connection
but HAVE you tried doing it wiithout the router? If it works then, then you're router needs to have a port opened. If it doesnt work, then you've either set it up wrong or your connection doesnt allow it!

By the way, what type of router are you using?
If you're running the dedi server on the same machine, join it by going to local games and then putting as the game IP. If that works then you just need to solve the issue for remote players.
#13 - Jakg
Quote from dougie-lampkin :have you tried skipping the router? (ie plug the router's input into your pc) if it still dosnt work then it probably wont work on your connection.

I tried plugging the lead straight into my PC but it won't work, help me o' techno lord!

That's not gonna work with no router - usually the modem and router are bundled together, and no modem = no connection.
Quote from Jakg :I tried plugging the lead straight into my PC but it won't work, help me o' techno lord!

That's not gonna work with no router - usually the modem and router are bundled together, and no modem = no connection.

i guess he was assuming that the guy had real internet and not that fake through the phoneline stuff

It does sound like a firewall or port forwarding problem to me.. You are allowing the program to connect to the internet. but not allowing it to come back to your PC.
Quote from Jakg :I tried plugging the lead straight into my PC but it won't work, help me o' techno lord!

That's not gonna work with no router - usually the modem and router are bundled together, and no modem = no connection.

haha really anyway, those of us with REAL broadband have a receiver on the exterior of the house, connected to a modem via ethernet. This modem (now jakg, stop me whenever you feel confused and get a headache) is then the input for the router. Now, this router has an ethernet cable sticking out the rear, which is put into the slot on the rear of your pc. (still with me jakg?) By bypassing the router (that is plugging the ethernet FROM the modem into the pc), you can ensure that the connection allows online gaming. For those 5% of people with built in router/modem, this obviously isnt available. you've got to think OUTSIDE the box, mate.
#16 - Jakg

95% of Domestic users have a Modem built into their router, and connect via that...
jakg is right... not many people recieve internet via cable. many through the phone line. as its alot more widely available...

Other than what has already been mentioned anyways.. i cant see any problems in the setup.cfg...
But broadband doesnt come through phone cable (unless you live in the city centre, at least in Ireland anyway) and most people have seperate modems and routers, because the modem is supplied and you have to buy the router seperately (That's how they work in irl anyway, obviously i dont know what happens in other countries). And there's no need to try and turn it into a joke, I'm trying to help the poor guy to set up his server. That's what worked for me when I couldn't set up a server, so that's what I advised him to do. What's your advice (assuming he has seperate modem/router) or are you just gonna try (and fail quite drastically) to poke fun at me for being nice and helping?
best solution.. rent a server off franky :P
y aint u then dan????
#21 - Jakg
Quote from dougie-lampkin :But broadband doesnt come through phone cable (unless you live in the city centre, at least in Ireland anyway)

I live in the middle of nowhere and i can assure you it does, and if it doesn't (ie about 2 years ago there was no broadband round here, and we had 1337 pipes put into the churches, which then sent it to us via wireless from masts atop the spires).

Cities tend to have Cable, and in some cases Fibre.

I don't even think i can find a mainstream provider here that DOESN'T give you a free Router/Modem bundle, which is the reason why everyone has one...
Quote from dougie-lampkin :What's your advice (assuming he has seperate modem/router) or are you just gonna try (and fail quite drastically) to poke fun at me for being nice and helping?

When your advice is very unlikely to work, yes.
What the **** is with all the bickering. There's a multitude of posts containing complete and utter hypocritical comments and total bullshit.

dougie-lampkin, you're asking for people to cut down on the sarcasm and poking. How about you do that yourself? You can't whine to someone about the same thing you're dishing out.

Jakg, NTL / Telewest / Virgin Media under cable lines (they actively state that they do NOT support routers). Most business providers (unless you're talking leased lines, in which case you can lease them from the provider). Next question please.

Trouble with home routers -> You MUST forward both the TCP and UDP ports (the port number on your server's config) from your router or gateway device to the system running your connection, and you MUST ensure that there is no firewall software affecting the connection either. If you don't ensure both of these are done then you cannot ever make a connection to the game. The reason for this is that unless you have a public IP on the system itself running the game, then it is not possible to directly communicate to the system. The reason for not having a public IP for each machine is due to the limited number of addresses available and for (slight) security related issues.

It is also worth pointing out that some ISPs, although none that I know of in the UK, don't provide public IP addresses to everyone, and given an IP which is reserved for private LANs. If your router / PC connecting to your ISP (i.e. the edge or gateway machine) has an IP in the RFC1918 range ( - (10/8), - (172.16/12), - (192.168/16)) then you will never beable to host a public game. However, please don't jump to conclusions if your PC has an IP in one of the listed ranged - it's very SPECIFICALLY the external interface of the edge device. If you're not into the whole networking thing then you might find this hard to comprehend. Don't jump to conclusions.

Takumi_lfs, you say that you're having trouble. First question, since it appears that it's running on the same PC, can you connect to it by selecting "Connect to a specific..." and then select Local and then type in If you can't connect then it's potentially a firewall problem. If you can then it's likely it's a port forwarding issue. If you have another PC on the same physical network as the PC hosting the game (doesn't matter what spec), pop LFS on it and then try to connect, via a Local game, to the computer running the server (to get the IP of the system running LFS goto start > run, type "cmd" and then type "ifconfig /all"). If you can connect then it's even more likely to be a port forwarding or lack-of-public-ip issue.

If at the end of this you still can't get it, may I suggest that setting up your system is not for you and that you take a look at the multitude of service providers, or get someone who is relatively technical to come to your home and help out in person. Explaining stuff across the 'net isn't always the easiest solution.
Thank you for your reply

I tried to connect with Local specific game and then typ in it sais "You must enter a valid IP adress"

I have no Firewall running. Antivir Guard off and windows Firewall is turned off.

I'll try more experiment's on it anyway thx.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :I tried to connect with Local specific game and then typ in - no ending dot should do it.
Quote from the_angry_angel : - no ending dot should do it.

yup.. i joined my sever.. It didnt work even i removed the dot : it said Clientconnet or something. Anyway it works with

In the meanwhile i was searching on my Router config i did a connection test. result is

Wtf is wrong with my internet?? i can sruf on the net

Try to host a Dedi server (need Help)
(35 posts, started )