The online racing simulator
boot controllers or tuning
(35 posts, started )
Quote from Woz :Just shows what happens to turbo cars though when boost is gone. A 1.6 Diesel can beat a 400bhp car if the monster car is a turbo and the turbo is not spooled.

To bad that the situation needed for that to happen is unlikely to ever happen in a race
Quote from Woz :Rac is fine. Its light and chuckable if you know what you are doing. You just have to be very careful with weight transfer and car balance.

BTW: Have you seen what happens to a turbo cars when they loose the turbo? Topgear did a demo with the 400bhp lancer (I think it was this car, big big turbo) and a bottom of the range hatch-back. Both standing start in high gear, both floored it and no downshifts or spooling allowed. The now non-turbo was was left behind. No turbo = no go in most cases.

I thought it was a demonstration of just what a laggy, gas-guzzling piece of crap the Lancer FQ400 was. As far as I remember, the turbo still worked, it was just a case of the dustbin-lid sized turbine taking somewhere in the region of a fortnight to spool up.

Although it's engine issues are far surpassed by it's main problem - what it looks like. Those carbon fibre fin things on the roof in particular make me want to implode.

And it costs the guts of fifty grand.
#28 - Jakg
No, it was a demonstration of how rubbish it accelerated in the wrong gear, which is about as useful to a driver as how it accelerates with the engine off - they said it was crap because they're main argument was that they didn't know how to drive it
You can't completely ignore the point. Imagine cruising slowly in high gear and you have the sudden need to accelerate; a torqey, non-turbo engine will just get on with it, without you having to worry about changing gears. When time is critical, it could be beneficial. Of course this is hardly an everyday situation but one time it could make the difference between having an accident or not.
Well what do you mean by crusing in high gear? My only experiance in a turbocharged car comes from a slightly BPU'd Supra, and a 13B Mazda RX-7, and whenever we needed to get out of a tight situation, or just get freed up from traffic, you don't HAVE to be in the powerband to get boost. I remember being on the highway with my cousin, and some guy she knew pulled out to pass us, but being the bitch that she is she floored it from about 3grand, no shifting, and it didn't take too long to get full boost (14psi iirc) Quicker then it would have been to drop it a gear, THEN get on it.
Stupid Jeff, leaving Nanaimo. We rule, and have 2 ferries. How many does Alberta have!?

Suck on that!
What % of tax to you pay at the till again?

How much free money did Ralph give to every Albertan - just because of our surplus?

How much is a litre of gas there right now?

Shall I go on?

oh wait... you have lots of neato trees...

edit: btw, you don't "have" any ferries at all, but rather two terminals for the ones the BC government owns ("thank you for choosing BC ferries", yeah like a have a choice for (*&$ sake!)
Oy vay, Canuck war C'maahn, hug it out!
we going NFS style?
we reading the thread?

boot controllers or tuning
(35 posts, started )