has racing changed?
(90 posts, started )
Has racing changed? Take a look at the last time I was on.
Quote :I think it's fairly common knowledge that accidents can be caused by slowing down too early

Classic example of not knowing what to do. You can slow down early if you want too and can avoid a lot of hassle, you just dont dont do it suddenly when a car is following. Let them know, transition from full throttle to full brake slowly.

Sounds simple.

Happens rarely.
At most tracks, especially if I'm around drivers I'm not familiar with (would however trust the STCC guys for a while), I'll brake earlier, even If I'm not braking, just to show my lights to warn them.
Quote from Becky Rose :Classic example of not knowing what to do... Let them know, transition from full throttle to full brake slowly.

Sometimes that's my problem, especially at the start of a race on a track I've not done much or for a while. I brake gently and early (often just to stay away from the T1 carnage), but that sadly doesn't stop the muppets behind me punting me into the guy in front and occasionally getting me the blame
Quote from dawesdust_12 :At most tracks, especially if I'm around drivers I'm not familiar with (would however trust the STCC guys for a while), I'll brake earlier, even If I'm not braking, just to show my lights to warn them.

It's nice to see you using your head Dustin Your on your way, don't let up =)
#81 - SamH
Quote from SparkyDave :there are some here who can see the "very late braking divebombers" coming and will change their lines through turns to avoid them, in a kind of reverse switchback

I remember the best example I ever saw of this was a guy called FreebaSe (whose setup I still use). Someone filed a wrecker report, ages back, where only one person got wrecked.. the wrecker, repeatedly, and by his own hand. He was trying to wreck FreebaSe (for being fast). FreebaSe could see the guy coming, and brilliantly anticipated the wreck every time for about 3 laps around AsNat.. the guy just kept ploughing the wall, the barrier.. everything but his intended victim.. and FreebaSe escaped every time. It barely even slowed him down. I was awestruck.

Ever since then I've realised there are two levels to "alien", in LFS. Since I'm not that fast, I decided to try and be the other kind.. the one you can race door-to-door with, lap after lap, and never unintentionally surprise or be surprised by the other drivers. Aspiring, not achieving yet.. but working on it
I agree
Quote from SamH :
Ever since then I've realised there are two levels to "alien", in LFS. Since I'm not that fast, I decided to try and be the other kind.. the one you can race door-to-door with, lap after lap, and never unintentionally surprise or be surprised by the other drivers. Aspiring, not achieving yet.. but working on it

+1 to this. I would rather lift and keep racing and having fun than pushing too hard and wrecking both of us. Even if its a mistake it kind of sucks to take another out.
Quote from SparkyDave :even the most aware and skillfull of drivers can still get taken out sometimes. although there are some here who can see the "very late braking divebombers" coming and will change their lines through turns to avoid them, in a kind of reverse switchback

i think its usually called the crossover move, and it is very effective
Quote from jayhawk :Has racing changed? Take a look at the last time I was on.

Come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from SamH :Since I'm not that fast, I decided to try and be the other kind..

sadly as the latest stcc broadcast proves you got distracted along the way and inadvertently turned into freebases friend
#86 - SamH
Quote from Shotglass :sadly as the latest stcc broadcast proves you got distracted along the way and inadvertently turned into freebases friend

hehe.. I wasn't aiming for anyone, and I did wait until I was on my own on the track. As I said.. aspiring, not achieving
Quote from Intrepid :I am not condoning wrecking, but in real life if you are

1. not up to speed
2. not 'aggressive'

you will get destroyed, especially in tin top racing...

what you get is guys who want to make real strong moves, and if you not ready for it, or just wimping around you will get engulfed.

You will notice that the fast drivers, that are blamed for all this, once they are all racing together there isn't any major contact, nor is there much complaint between them. The reason for this is because they are used to it. It's how you gotta be....it's the same in real life.... and that's a testament to how good racing in LFS is.

I am in no way saying to win you should wreck people, but I am recognising the fact the the driver who is indecisive, not aggressive, and non-ballsy enough can cause as much carnage as anyone else. Of course they look blameless, but it's something I see time and time and time again. The driver that is indecisive and unpredictable is the one that can cause all the trouble for themselves.

When your racing someone who you know is fast, decisive, and as aggressive as you the racing is clean, and respectful. Contact may be made, but that happens. that;s how it happens in real life, and that's the way it happens in LFS!

sometimes ppl don't understand how much of a nuisance they are.

I would have to see a reply of your races to decide an opinion on your specific situation.... but sometimes you just gotta turn it on. Be decisive, go for it... that's what makes racing fun...

You are talking BULLSHIT !

The best racers, the aliens, are fully capable to get by, any problem on the road, in a fair and clean manner ! Look at the last BOTT race. Watch the leaders for some laps, and see how they drive bumper to bumper, lap after lap.

Totally fair racing, without bumps and schratces.

Now you will say. yes but they didn`t have to cope with noobs, and can rely on their fellow racers and so on !?

The problem is the big bunch seeing this type of battles between the aliens, and think that they can do the same ! But they don`t have the talent or training to perform that way. Then they hit my bumper, or yours !

If you want to drive agressively, then be sure to pack up some talent too

I can see no excuse for hitting another car in the arse. If you are a skilled driver, then you will notice the other car, is beeinged drivven by a racer, who is not in your standard. And you have to calculate with errors from the front car also.

I can see no excuse for not driving clean and fair, even if one wants to get a little agressive.

Also ask yourself this question : Who do I want to race !?? A fair and clean guy, and let the skills decide the positions - Or an agressive racer, who sends you off the track, most of the laps !?

the point is tho, an agressive driver doesnt have u off the track every few laps, if anything they are more predictable than the 'clean' ones.

i treat every1 as agressive until they prove me otherwise. then i can start to stick on the outside or drive through chicanes side by side, stuff that wouldnt happen (normally) in real life

theres a difference between agression and plain firing/binning/wrecking
Quote from Viper93 :It's nice to see you using your head Dustin Your on your way, don't let up =)

Also, it's a bit of a screw around with new people to a track, because they might think that is the braking point for that corner, and be much slower for several laps, which keeps them outta my arse.

has racing changed?
(90 posts, started )