The online racing simulator

My girlfriend's dad bought me a book for christmas: Michael Schumacher - Rise of a Genius.

Arsehole. I'm getting him a Manchester United pillowcase and duvet cover set this year.
Wow some amazing tips in there, only a second a lap? more like 3!
lol that is...amazing
Quote from JohnUK89 :We have a follow up, courtesy of CTR:John with photo copyright of SSR CD :-P

[Hammond]"I have not had my teeth done!!!"[/Hammond]
"I press buttons on the steering wheel when I want to go faster or slower" ROFL

Damn I must read this whole thing when I have the time.
UKCT's Sam Hopkinson

1982 F1 World Champion Keke Rosberg
Quote from K.David :"I press buttons on the steering wheel when I want to go faster or slower" ROFL

Damn I must read this whole thing when I have the time.

It's where I think I've been going wrong. My car has pedals, which are obviously slower.

Over the winter I'll be installed digital buttons (as opposed to crappy analogue buttons) on my wheel. Watch out Mr Lap Record
Nice book Tristan, I'm surprized you revealed all that info so easily...

I read the whole thing
Quote from tristancliffe :It's where I think I've been going wrong. My car has pedals, which are obviously slower.

Over the winter I'll be installed digital buttons (as opposed to crappy analogue buttons) on my wheel. Watch out Mr Lap Record

You should go really fast too to overtake the others
I used to love tractors, but I dont really any more...

I guess you could say, that Im, an ExTractorFan

couldn't help myself hehe.

Christmas list:

Dave: Bumper Book of Relatively Recent Jokes

Quote from detail :I support the idea.

A photo

the gallery ("Belarus" tractors racing )

Those tractors remind me of when I spent my Easter working on an orchard. Damn those things could have used power steering, and maybe a lighter clutch. No where near as fun as the newer folklift/crain/thing I arsed about on, even if I did get close to flipping it. Stupid "anti-tip" shite, I was drifting (or a close approximation of drifting) down the side of a hill, trying to stay on my wheels and not spin around when anti-tip decide that I had gone past some degree setting it felt was safe and shut off the power. I ended up on two wheels and in need of new pants.
We can't do this, without any adventures with Tintin

I think the best bit in Tristan's book was towards the end, when "helmet" was labelled under "parts of the car". The only bit that made me lol anyway.
I LOL'd at "the tires help move the car foward"

#45 - JTbo
Quote from Viesturs :Dig for speed s3?

Speed is not good thing when doing that, slower speed results better quality
Quote from JTbo :Speed is not good thing when doing that, slower speed results better quality

Dig for quality?
#47 - JTbo
Quote from sgt.flippy :Dig for quality?

Yes, there is actually real competitions in that and so, but I guess here is only cityfolks

Those potatoes you eat come from muddy ground, they put cow's shit to that ground to make potatoes grow better, then you eat it and don't even notice that, isn't it funny?

I don't like tractors too much, they are slow and delay my travel quite often, but certainly I know how to operate one and I know how to dig, spent even year studying such things. That was before I found out that I can fix computers better than most folks around me and long before I found that I can fix cars, however these to I did not study in school