The online racing simulator
Xbox 360 Question
(7 posts, started )
Xbox 360 Question
I am getting an xbox 360 shortly, and am looking to get PGR4, my question is this...

On ebay, they have ones shown as "region free" (I assume far eastern), and that work on any console, is this the case?, is there any downfalls of getting a region free copy?, the region free ones are a fair bit cheaper than the official UK version.


Generally both Japanese and American consoles are region-free by default, so it's possible you could be getting an import. I don't know if it's an NTSC/PAL issue or not. Of course it could also mean you're getting a chipped European version.

An import would explain why it's cheaper, since obviously the dollar price will be less than the pound price, but I can't say for sure how well it's likely to run. Presumably if it's region-free you'll have no trouble running Euro games anyway.

But if it's an import you'll have to make sure it supports UK power supplies. Japan and the US use 110 volts, while the rest of Asia and Europe use 220v. You don't want to blow it up just by plugging it in It's all madness.

See how much easier it is to just get your home region?

PGR4 is looking nice, but I find the PGRs a bit too arcadey for me. Just make sure you add me on Xbox Live
My console is a UK one, but the game is "region free"
Well that makes life a lot easier. Turns out most 360 games are region-free anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much.

Check this page for a fairly good list. Basically it seems that the older the game is, the less likely it is to work. but some of them might. Confused yet?
This means.... looking at that list...

I can buy an NTSC/Jap game which has a "yes" in the PAL column, and it will run on my PAL console?
(which would actually be great, since i'm sick of the german translations in some games)
That's the way I read it, yes. If the Version column says NTSC-J (for Japan) or NTSC-U (for the US) and the PAL column says "Yes" then it's region-free so should work on a Euro console.

Xbox 360 Question
(7 posts, started )