Butt Hole Drifters
(91 posts, started )
Hey Butt Hole Drillers! Had a session with a few of you and it was kinda fun
ok, buttholes.
The Butthole Surfers were legendary!!! PEPPER!!! And everyone keeps making fun of you guys.
Quote from Rex_Mays :PEPPER!!!

Some will die in hot pursuit
In fiery auto crashes
Some will die in hot pursuit
While sifting through my ashes
Some will fall in love with life
And drink it from a fountain
That is pouring like an avalanche
Coming down the mountain

Wish you luck with your team. Its an ace name....
Quote from Jakg :Who could refuse an offer like that?!

hello jakg

thats not really a team, its like George Bush saying if you want to be an american just , you know, eat

really cool name, i wish you good luck in expanding your team
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :arnt most drifters "butt holes"... especially when drifting on a race server damnit.

([UKR] Race King) DELETED by [UKR] Race King
Uhm...The name...WHy I can only ask Why?
why did you bump a nearly 2 month old thread...? ok....
Beacuse, I saw the name...Thats explains it all i need to know why in the world Did he choose that name?!
Quote from greg_slideways :Beacuse, I saw the name...Thats explains it all i need to know why in the world Did he choose that name?!

lol, because he must have thought it was funny.
Just blown away Why would u do that haha!!
Quote from greg_slideways :Just blown away Why would u do that haha!!

Well... Not defending the name of the team.. But your name is "slideways", can't really see why you'd do that either.
Slang for sliding sideways as in drifting!!..But i do see where your coming from in that it is differnt hehe!! creative ill give em that..And good luck hope you have got a great team on your hands..{ew mayb not literally} aha i kidd i kidd, but i know how tough it is to start a new team!!
Someone design a logo for his team.

Open photoshop and merge together a picture of a butt and a drifting car, so it looks like the car is drifting round a butt hole lol
LMAO dont be mean its a good team{luaghs under his breath} haha i KIDD but seroius dont be mean haha!
Quote from greg_slideways :LMAO dont be mean its a good team{luaghs under his breath} haha i KIDD but seroius dont be mean haha!

Everytime you say I KIDD I think you're eminem in ass like that... Kinda appropriate though.
LMAO I got that from there haha i always say it like that that pops in my head with his voice HAHA
hey can i join your team?
Yes, man Butthole drifters..Please tell me you are kidding!
Respond Here If You Want To Join Butt Hole Drifters.
This is getting really stupid now... Butt hole racers, Butt hole rally, Butt hole drifters...
This is getting gay?
Quote from NathanRx-7 :This is getting really stupid now... Butt hole racers, Butt hole rally, Butt hole drifters...
This is getting gay?

getting ???
please close this thread...theres really no point in it
presenting the butt hole drifters logo :P

it's buttastic.
Attached images

Butt Hole Drifters
(91 posts, started )