Should SmurfeN change avatar?
(19 posts, started )

Poll : Should i change my avatar?

No! i love smurfees!
Yes! for crying out loud im bored of it already!
Should SmurfeN change avatar?
So! Ive used the avatar i have now as long as ive been registered here and im wondering if i should change my avatar, if you think i should change my avatar you will have to find one for me!

Smurf all the way \o/
You forgot the "I don't care" option.
"En Smurf" is what this little blue things are right?
In this case I think you can keep it
Quote from AndroidXP :You forgot the "I don't care" option.

was thinking about that, but then i decided you will have to choose mohahah
#6 - bbman
Why the hell should we care... It's YOUR image, do what you like with it... Next time somebody comes along and asks if he should shave... :rolleyes:

Vote for close...
Haha shutdown!! Personally I say keep it, it's awesome, good trademark...

The real question is, should I get an avatar? Cannot use my S2 forum account even if I wanted to.
#8 - Rish
I think you should change it just because you've felt the need to start a thread about it!

*maybe just another smurf
Keep the Smurf, Smurfs rock!
Quote from AndroidXP :You forgot the "I don't care" option.

second that.

i mean, why should other ppl decide what avatar u use?
use whatever ur comfortable with.
i hope nobody does copy u, otherwise we will have thousands of threads "which avatar should i use"
Quote from AndroidXP :You forgot the "I don't care" option.

...and a 'lock this thread pls' option
Quote from dropin_biking :The real question is, should I get an avatar? Cannot use my S2 forum account even if I wanted to.

Why not?
Quote from Renku :...and a 'lock this thread pls' option

Wait, that one I have here:

The S2 account I aquired was 'used' persay, but the original owner never gave me the web password for it, so basically I have it unlocked ingame, but must use my demo account on the forum. I suppose I shouldn't really be complaining, S2 for free, and the $40 I had saved goes towards a new PC sometime
I hope you didn't pay for it, as you aren't able to change the game-password so he can enjoy the full version with multiplayer whenever he feels the need... Or in a worst case-scenario: he locks you out because he found another one to sell his licence to...
I say if you change it, make it another smurf. Or just keep it.
I don't smurf if you decide to smurf your smurf. Can't you smurf yourself, instead of smurfing others?

bbman: He's saying he conned his way to someone elses account. Stupid cannuck.
chanoman315 voted i don't care (3/xxxxxxx)

Should SmurfeN change avatar?
(19 posts, started )