Charity Flash-A-Thon 2007
(14 posts, started )
Charity Flash-A-Thon 2007
I know what you're thinking, but you're wrong

My girlfriend is a writer, and one of the groups she is part of is running a charity event where they have 12 hours to write as many Flash stories as possible, the best of which are to be compiled into an anthology book to be sold with the profits going to the same charity.
The competition is being held on 12th October 2007.

Flash Fiction is a style of writing where you are given a prompt word and you have to write a story based on that, with a 500-word limit. It's harder than it sounds too.

This year's chosen charity is the Altzheimer's Society, which is one close to my heart since my granddad is in the early stages. As you may or may not know, drugs can already slow down progress of the disease a lot, which I assume must mean a cure is possible.
And since it can be hereditary you might also be helping me out in 50 years time! My memory is already shocking and I'm only 27. Imagine me with a brain disease too!

The link to her sponsorship page can be found here:
If you're a UK taxpayer, please make sure you also opt-in for Gift Aid to prevent greedy Government people taxing charity donations. The pigs that they are.

She's complaining that compared to some of her friends in the group, her page is looking a little sad, so I said I'd try and promote it on here a bit. She's had a few stories published by a couple of indie books and magazines and I like most of her work too, so don't worry about putting your money on a lemon
If you can afford it, please give what you can.
Title gave me false hope
That title put a smile to my face but was like WTF this is about writing .
#4 - robt
And now the perverts of the forum reveal themselves!:hihi:
Bump for this thread.

Come on guys, we have people who spend £24 on a license for someone else, but not even a couple of quid for charity? Step up!
I sponsored half a dozen different people in the great north run last week - I'm all sponsored out.
I'll forgive you this time Kev

Shamelessly bumping again, and I'll continue to do it until the event's over. We've had another couple of online contacts lend a hand too - one from these very forums! Much appreciated! Are the rest of you guys gonna let them put you to shame?
Wednesday's bump!

You slackers only have 2 days left to get on board. Get in there now!
where are the boobs
I must have been nerdy when I first thought that the word Flash referred to the animation program.

Then I was like "Oh...I guess it has to do with women."

But then I clicked the thread and became less excited :P
Bah, you all suck!

The event is tomorrow, so if you're too poor/mean* to donate then you don't have much longer to put up with me pimping it.

The closing of the event won't stop donations being accepted though - my girlfriend's said she's giving a few days after for people to sort their acts out before she clicks the 'Send' button. So you still have time to dig into your pocket/wallet/mattress/big jar* to help Altzheimer's research and development.
Most people know someone who suffers from the condition. If not, you know me. My grandad has it and his sister died from it, so it's likely I'll end up with it myself. I'd really like it if there was a cure by that time

* delete as applicable
#12 - aoun
Haha i was thinking of a different flash-a-thon
Apparently so was everyone. What does that say about your minds, huh?
Around 10% of people over 60 show signs of Altzheimers, so I guarantee that most of you will know someone with it right now. Progress of the disease can be slowed considerably with current drugs, which is why I believe it must be possible to stop it.

The event is today and it starts at 12 noon. It then (obviously) ends at 12 midnight.
You will be able to place your kind and generous donations at:

The donations/sponsorship will be accepted for a few days after the event, just so everyone gets a chance. I probably won't bother keeping bumping this thread after today, since nobody really seems all that interested.

Everything helps, even if it's only 50p (or $1 to our Stateside friends)! Skip a coffee today and donate that amount!
Let's have it!
Well the event came and went.

The dozen or so writers involved managed to crank out 293 stories in their 12 hours and raised just shy of £3000. My girlfriend decided to stop at 30 stories with about half an hour to spare, because her wrists were apparently sore

There's still time to donate at the links above before the money gets moved on, so do it if you're gonna!

Charity Flash-A-Thon 2007
(14 posts, started )