The online racing simulator
Clutch problem in LFS and G25
(21 posts, started )
Clutch BUG in LFS Netcode

I got a problem im multiplayer races, not to me but to other people.

It is like I am with the clutch pressed but I am not, in my computer it is all ok, but at the MPR and to other racers it is like the clutch is pressed, you can see it in the video.

I tried turning on and off a lot of LFS options, then when I turn off the auto clutch the problem disapeared. I tried also assigning the clutch to a button but it dont matter, if the auto clutch is turned on the probleam apears.

I dont have connections problems and my latency is ok.

And I use a G25.

The other thing you can see at the start of the race. I got hit by the car behind me before the race start. So I take a drive through, that was not my fault. It was not supose to the car go to spectate before hit anothers?

Sorry about my english.
#2 - 128MB
Maybe something is wrong with your shifting settings.
Try going through every buttons and axle again.
Quote from 128MB :Maybe something is wrong with your shifting settings.
Try going through every buttons and axle again.

I did that.

I think the problem is not with the buttons, because the clutch is not pressed to me but to others racers the sound is like it is pressed.
Looks nasty, not seen that before. You know it's probably easier if you just attach a replay file to your post, rather than actually film your driving and upload to youtube.

Here is the mpr.

Note that at lap 4 and 5 I change to manual clutch and the problem disapeared.

Please someone help me.
Attached files
Clutch bug.mpr - 257.9 KB - 345 views
I have seen this plenty of times spectating online. I don't think you can do anything about it. IMO it's just a weird type of lag
Yup. I see that all the time. Like said above, it is just lag. I see it every day.
Lag? ok!

So tell me why when I race with manual clutch it is gone?
do you have other steering devices at usb ports like pads or joystick. if so try to unplug them.

and second try some laps without force feedback and watch if there is the same problem.
Quote from dcToro :do you have other steering devices at usb ports like pads or joystick. if so try to unplug them.

No I dont have.

Quote from dcToro :
and second try some laps without force feedback and watch if there is the same problem.

Tried that and still the same shit.
Yes, this is a .mpr problem. Its maybe lag. I know this problem
I believe this thread should be moved to "Bugs - Program".

As you can see in the mpr, the problema only happens when MIC is using auto clutch. if it was lag, it wouldn't matter if it was manual or auto clutch, it would happen all the time...

[ ]s
i seet his whenever i spec another player online.
I had a look at this now. It's fully reproducable and an easy fix, already done in my version.

As Campos_MIC said, this is only when auto clutch is selected.

Anyone can reproduce this : simply continue to hold down the gear shift after changing gear. While the sequential gear shift lever or paddle is held down, your computer sends "full clutch" input in the position packets - that is the bug. So on remote computers and in the MPR your car jerks along making a horrible noise. If you release the gearshift immediately after changing gear then this problem does not appear.

The reason for the bug is that in an old version of LFS, clutch was held down if you held the gear shift. This function changed in LFS but I did not notice that the packet send function needed updating as well.
Quote from Scawen :I had a look at this now. It's fully reproducable and an easy fix, already done in my version.

As Campos_MIC said, this is only when auto clutch is selected.

Anyone can reproduce this : simply continue to hold down the gear shift after changing gear. While the sequential gear shift lever or paddle is held down, your computer sends "full clutch" input in the position packets - that is the bug. So on remote computers and in the MPR your car jerks along making a horrible noise. If you release the gearshift immediately after changing gear then this problem does not appear.

The reason for the bug is that in an old version of LFS, clutch was held down if you held the gear shift. This function changed in LFS but I did not notice that the packet send function needed updating as well.

Thank you for clarifying this issue Scawen

Do you have any idea if this fix will be released on a smaller patch or if you will wait to release on a bigger patch ?

I ask that because it looks like there may be situations where the bug happens, maybe due to laggy connections or other factors that we simply don't know, and it's somehow interfering on brazilian league.

If it would be possible to release a fix for that before a higher physics change (since it's not a major change, I don't think that it would make mpr replays go out of sync, or other bigger issues on lfs), it would be very nice. And due to the auto-updater, I don't think it would be a big issue to release as smaller change with a fix for this bug, and maybe some other very small bugs, before big changes.
It will be fixed in the next patch, and the next patch will be released as soon as possible.
Quote from Scawen :It will be fixed in the next patch, and the next patch will be released as soon as possible.

good news Thanks
Well, Campos_MIC and Hugo Luis swear that they are not provoking this bug by holding the gear up button, and they say it happens even with a fresh Windows installation and a "new" downloaded LFS, and they swear also that they are using no external programs that may cause this bug.

Can this be caused by an internet connection that is loosing packets, even though the ping times are below 70 ms?

But anyway, we can't forbid them from racing on Brazilian league or punish them if it's not their fault nor the causes for this bug are cleared on their cases.

This bug is preventing other drivers to get the slipstream from the "buggy" drivers, since it's easy to collide with the "jerking" cars when doing that (it happened me twice while I was trying to overtake Campos on first race of the league, what made me fall from 2nd place to 14th place). But those drivers can catch the other drivers the slipstream. We will have to find a way to keep the conditions even for all drivers until we get a fix for this issue.
Somehow this bug is not with me anymore... I didnt change anything and it dissapeared...

But now it is with another racers on the league...

From that we could say that it is not a connection or a LFS (install) problem...

It is a problem on the LFS netcode, so please Scawen help us with this.

Clutch problem in LFS and G25
(21 posts, started )