The online racing simulator
RBR style menu
(8 posts, started )
RBR style menu
Since the original menu backgrounds feel very disconnected from menu contents, I made this simple pack of backgrounds to give the menus a coherent, RBR look.

Please let me know what you think!

See the attached .jpg's for low-res previews.
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some might like it, not me. i see how you think it reminds of RBR but i dont thinks so
I was expecting something more positive LOL! Yeah I tried to make the buttons/options red as in RBR, but the LFS menu is not keyboard driven so it doesn't highlight things in red. The text colors need to be simplified somewhat, but not done with these files. Thanks for trying anyway!
#4 - bbman
Very nice... Would be great for someone new to LfS to easily identify the menus from the "fancy stuff"... I just happen to have my own backgrounds that I really like...
Pretty nice idea with the black bar backgrounds. I tried few weeks ago do something similar, very simplistic colours, I just hate the default rainbow flower power ones, but I gave up because it's very limited what you can change with the interface "editor"...
So is there an "editor" (other than notepad)? I know how to edit the text and buttons' colors, but if their shapes and positions can be edited then it'll be much better.

I'm afraid only black can be used to hide some of the hard-coded stuff.
with "editor" I just meant the one found from inside LFS, options -> display -> interface (in the downright corner)
It would already help immensely if you could define a separate background screen for each menu, instead of the backgrounds being reused for certain menu groups. That way you could do much nicer stuff like faking menu elements, etc.

RBR style menu
(8 posts, started )