Here we go then:
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I suppose it was correct.

I made a fairly easy one (I think). I felt lazy and this didn't require any drawing.
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Rammstein - Das Modell
Quote from zero :Rammstein - Das Modell

That's a very good suggestion... ram..stein...I guess I would have put a stone there too. So nope.

About the right side in the picture...maybe I should have put "" around her (which makes the song name), because technically she isn't quite exactly what the song name suggests, but close enough.

I thought people would guess this in 15 mins.
Would definitely be easier if I knew who that is in the picture. That's what you get for living under the rock - you can't even be good at geeky contests on the internet
She is Charlize Theron (iirc), but it won't help you.

Some hints:

1) Jakg might guess this (i.e. you might need bit information in computer HW). You don't need to know any geeky stuff, but if you have bought computer parts you could guess it. This is the artist name.
2) If the artist name is more closely what's in the pic, the song name (the 'she' part) is more like generally what she is or presents.
hmm, i suck at this but anyway, another guess (google):
DDR - Movie Star
She- RAM
Lady -Modjo?
DDR - Superstar?
No. Think about manufacturers and that bloody thing has been playing bit too often lately. That must help too much now.
Really no idea about the song title...
The Corsairs - Dark Promises ?
Still no. One more hint: The song name... it is bit a personal taste, but I don't think many people will argue.
Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girl ?
Quote from Origamiboy :Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girl ?

Yes. Was harder than thought..could have been my crappy hints.
can i post something? or just we wait?
lol let's see if somone gets this one, as it seems mostly dead...
Pinkfloyd- Money
im done so ill post a pic
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mucik quiz.JPG
Mika - Relax, Take it easy

Nearly sprained a brain cell with that one!
OK, I think this will be extremely difficult. I'll give a hint right away - the music is jazz and the left-top part is the artist, but it's not very helpful
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Quote from maczo :OK, I think this will be extremely difficult. I'll give a hint right away - the music is jazz and the left-top part is the artist, but it's not very helpful

Title - Last Rites ?

No idea about the band.
Quote from Bean0 :Title - Last Rites ?

No (close), but nevertheless nice to see you here. You're one of those that get the thing right evetually

Hint: The band is from Sweden

The MS-Paint Music Quiz
(961 posts, started )