The online racing simulator
i have "warning" if not delete header in

what about this?

in index.php insert at line 9 ->
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>

in delete line 8
header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

small bug
in at line 55 like this
,"F[B]O[/B]8"=>"Formula V8"

optimization line 126 and 132 ->
$b=$c13; line 83 ->
echo "<option value='*' selected='selected'>".$c13."</option></option>";

line 85 ->
echo "<option value='*'>".$c13."</option></option>";


thanks for posting little bugs! The "<meta" descriptor should work the same, but not on my server. The warning i have also, but not with all PB.txt-files. I don´t have found the problem about the warning. I put both lines in the skript, than can tested what is going or not.

Thanks a lot

we have for our LFS-Team and LFStatistc (thats the new name for the lapperskript) opened a forum at and the live-demo for our server at Please post your problems with lapperskript also at this forum.

UltimateGER you seem to be having problems hosting the file, i can host it on my webspace if you want.

if you have msn pm me it so you can then send me the latest versions to upload etc

i have repaired the download links. The newest Version you can download at our forum

Thanks for your tips
I can't see where to download from.... on that forum....

please register at forum for download!

Thanks UltimateGER
Quote from UltimateGER :Hallo,

please register at forum for download!

Thanks UltimateGER

How about learning me german first? why register on a forum I don't understand????
I don´t understand!

i have opened the forum for my skript, because i have problems with english speak. But if you post in english i would try to answer you also in english.
You should register for download the newest version of the skript. It´s free. I´m want to know who is using my skript and the forum is also for our LFS-Server and our Team.


Does somebody still have this script? I would like to test it plz. All Downloadlinks & Board down...
Quote :*Bump*

Does somebody still have this script? I would like to test it plz. All Downloadlinks & Board down...

Du hast ne Mail und ne PN - viel Spaß
Script download

i have repaired the download links because i have any questions for this script. Sorry for waiting, but our Team has written a own Software like LFS-Lapper and i have changed the script for this statistic.

You can download all Files i have uploaded at:

HI! i found massive with car classes in includes file? but didn't foud where it is used. will it be used in new versions? The script is great! we want new versions!!
Quote from Mr.Weegley :HI! i found massive with car classes in includes file? but didn't foud where it is used. will it be used in new versions? The script is great! we want new versions!!

Hello Mr.Weegley,

i´m happy the script is usefuly for you. I need time for update this script, because i have many work at our script for our own software. The car classes are useable if you are configure your filters for this classes. With our statistic i don´t have used this classes, because we don´t have driven many laps with classes included cars. We have anymore tracks with one car.

Give me you url for your homepage, then i can see what you need. Please send me your pb.txt and driftpb.txt for testing with your data. You can show at my changed skript for our software. This software at the moment runns on our server "JUST-Racing" as a beta-version, because we do testing and changing anything.

Good race all times
Quote from UltimateGER :Hello Mr.Weegley,
Give me you url for your homepage, then i can see what you need.

Sorry, but i can't. its my lan server, and it haven't internet connection. But i could send you all i have for now (script with statistics) if you need.
I have changed your code a little to suit my players needs: added car image when stats is filtered by car, added current track image and current players online in left part of the page. In word - some information that i could take from deb.log and hostXXXX.txt I could send it to you if you are interested in it. But i translated all text except your comments in code into russian

That my question is mainly for information. If i had more time i could make that type of filter myself. But if players are happy now, i'll make it later

PS visited your stats and... WOW! it is very different from that available for download You don't need my version
Thanks for information. I have changed my script for use with lapper. Its avaiable to download from JUST-Forum, if you are registered. Some statistic isn´t able to use with lapper, because our software gives any more information about the drivers. But the most should be useable in kind of our website. You could test this script for use with lapper, because i dont have a PB.txt for testing , only with one driver in the versions of lfs-skript.

Your russian version of the script, you can upload to this forum or/and our forum for other user.

Ok then. In some days I'l take your new version, Localize it, put my features and upload here.

your site isn´t coded in utf-8. Almost you must change the header in "index.php".

Hm, but I don't have this problem on my Website, with symbols (Unicode format)...
Only with this page...

Example: SERT•nesrulz

Maybe is problem in PB.txt?
I have show me your site. Please show at "index.php" for this line:

<!--<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">!-->

This should be:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

Test it!

Do this script supports new lfs lapper version?

No due to the new format of export file.

Here the new struct if you want update your script:


Quote :his is the structure from export file from Lapper

... Version and Config Infos ...

Config Info
Version = Verison number
it's the version f the export file

LapTimeUsedForPb = Number
it's the number od PbTime used on average pbTime
between 1 and 10

Data Structure
Number of lap done for this combo
Short Car Name
Short Track Name
Date When PB was realised
Time When PB was realised
PBTime in accordance with LapTimeUsedForPb, if this value = 59.59.XX, XX Mean lap do if laps are less than specified in LapTimeUsedForPb. LapDone = 60 - XX
PBTime Split1
PBTime Split2
PBTime Split3

Hello Gai,

thanks for your information about your changings. I would try to implement this in my script. Can you give me a PB.txt file for testing with it?

Best regards

You find in attached file an exemple of new file

Attached files - 24.1 KB - 222 views