Anyone have Volume 1, Issue 3 (March '05) of AutoSimSport?
Hi all! I was wondering if anyone here has the March '05 issue of AutoSimSport. I'm creating a driver CV to present to companies for sponsorship and I need to give some backing to why LFS is realistic and could prove something about me. I know that I've made a thread before concerning whether LFS is a good base or not and many said it wasn't but please, I'm trying to give any racing stuff to these companies as I seriously lack in the real life racing department. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Note: I've already tried downloading it from the AutoSimSport website but the link is wrong, I downloaded the file but the rar is corrupt .
Why not just email those guys and ask where you can get it?
#3 - J@tko
Quote from Leprekaun :I downloaded the file but the rar is corrupt .

Have you tried the other methods of downloading, or is there only one?
#4 - X-Ter
I got all of them collected at SCORE. Check the files section.
Thank you soo much X-Ter!!! . I really appreciate this
#6 - X-Ter
Glad I could help