The online racing simulator
Designing Skins
(12 posts, started )
#1 - sam93
Designing Skins
I didn't know whether to post this thread in the skins help/tools/templates sub forum or the main car skins forum so i went with the main board for skinning.

The problem I am have is not being able to think of a design to do I get a paper and a pencil but can't think of anything, I need to make a skin for my team, International Racing Team. I have made a design but I don't like it very much, so I need some advice on designing a skin.

Well if we tell you how to design it, it won't be your design. My advice is forget about it until you see something that inspires you. when that happens jot down the ideas and turn them into a skin.
You can't force it or it will be crap.
Have a look through some skins from some of the great skinners like Heizer, TeazR, schuppor, Maggot on Master skinners. They may give you some ideas.
It also helps to know your logo and your colours. In some cases the logo can be used as a great inspiration for the design of the skin.

If you guys have a website you can also look at the design of the website for inspiration.
#4 - sam93
Thanks for the advice, I know I cant force the design out of me but the decals I will be using on the car are Rizla, Champion and snap-on maybe bridgestone aswell.

I will have a look at some skins and go from there, the ideas I have at the moment are:
Gradient parts to the skin so in some places it goes from dark to a lighter shade.
Maybe some kind of tribal on the side of the car.
About 3 or 4 different colours on the skin.

So I will do some more research on skin design and see what I can come up with.
I'd stay away from tribal stuff; it usually will just look tacked on. A nice flowing design is always better imho.
#6 - sam93
Quote from MAGGOT :I'd stay away from tribal stuff; it usually will just look tacked on. A nice flowing design is always better imho.

Don't mean like full on tribal, I mean like lines coming off from the front of the car.

#7 - sam93
Can anyone tell me some good colour combos for skinz because i am abit stuck on colour combo's, It is letting me down at the moment because I have alot of ideas in my head but I just can't work out any good colour combos to use them with.


Well the type of skins what inspire me is JJ72 skins, I like the LX4 he done and Bean0's FXO skin what he uses in the stcc, other from those I don't know what else inspires me, I like skins what have gradients in them and plus I want to design a skin what will take around 24 hours to complete.
#8 - sam93
Well if you're calling yourself International, you'll either want something that represents every country in the world, or completely ignores them.

For example, you shouldn't have red/white/blue because then you risk upsetting people who don't have those colours in their flag (Italy, Spain, Brazil, etc). The downside of trying to do that is the car will need the Olympic colours (red, blue, black, green, yellow - and of course white) to incorporate them all. That could make it look crap, because it might just be too much.

Another option is to use a colour scheme that doesn't appear on any flag, although this could be a little limiting. We're talking orange, purple, brown and that's about it. This would be my choice if I had to pick. The good news is that orange and brown go well together

I'd also try to include every world flag as part of the skin too, maybe around the skirts. Could look pretty cool.
Quote from Dajmin :Well if you're calling yourself International, you'll either want something that represents every country in the world, or completely ignores them.

For example, you shouldn't have red/white/blue because then you risk upsetting people who don't have those colours in their flag (Italy, Spain, Brazil, etc). The downside of trying to do that is the car will need the Olympic colours (red, blue, black, green, yellow - and of course white) to incorporate them all. That could make it look crap, because it might just be too much.

Another option is to use a colour scheme that doesn't appear on any flag, although this could be a little limiting. We're talking orange, purple, brown and that's about it. This would be my choice if I had to pick. The good news is that orange and brown go well together

I'd also try to include every world flag as part of the skin too, maybe around the skirts. Could look pretty cool.

I don't think that my team members would be offended by the colours in the skin. I have PM'ed Teaz-R to see what he can come up with.

Take your colour combos from the sponsor logo you want to use as the primary decal/sponsor.

Designing Skins
(12 posts, started )