I've been trying to get a web page to display some data from an .xml file created by LFSPoints. I'm pretty new to xml to be honest, and i wouldn't call myself a HTML master either.
I've been looking at working examples and trying to work it out from there, but what i've come up with doesn't work and i'm now stuck.
Can anyone see why the below code does not fetch what i want it to?
I'm going to assume i'm either very close or way way off the mark with it.
The below .html file is hosted in the same directory as 'test.xml' which is a LFSPoints exported file.
Obviously, this code is only a test to see if i can get it to work, i don't want to only display the Track and Lapcount.
So, any ideas?
If you need more info, just let me know.
Thanks for any help guys
I've been trying to get a web page to display some data from an .xml file created by LFSPoints. I'm pretty new to xml to be honest, and i wouldn't call myself a HTML master either.
I've been looking at working examples and trying to work it out from there, but what i've come up with doesn't work and i'm now stuck.
Can anyone see why the below code does not fetch what i want it to?
I'm going to assume i'm either very close or way way off the mark with it.
The below .html file is hosted in the same directory as 'test.xml' which is a LFSPoints exported file.
<xml src="test.xml" id="rssc" async="false"></xml>
<br />Track:
<span datasrc="#rssc" datafld="TrackName"></span>
<br />Laps:
<span datasrc="#rssc" datafld="Laps"></span>
Obviously, this code is only a test to see if i can get it to work, i don't want to only display the Track and Lapcount.
So, any ideas?

If you need more info, just let me know.
Thanks for any help guys